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Hoping this was a good deal

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    kane333 started this thread.
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    Hoping this was a good deal

    Just won an auction of 4 EMC Racks for $538.

    Prices for these units I found @ EMC

    The lot includes (1)DMX3-SYS24-3D and (3)DMX3-DBDC-3D

    A specification sheet can be viewed @

    Although the spec sheet may not show the exact model, I'm still excited over the physical specifications. These units are over
    6ft 4in tall, 2 feet wide and more than 3 feet deep and looking at the picture, appear to be full of boards and other goodies. It appears they each weigh in excess of 1800 lbs so even if each one only produces 100 lbs of telecom boards, I'll still be in great shape. I'll be taking pics and posting soon so we can see what kind of boards are in these.

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    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    I have never scrapped one of these, but just by a quick peek I think you got a great deal (provided expenses to get it were reasonable). Good luck...let us know how you do!

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  5. #3
    msearl3244's Avatar
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    That is new enough equipment that you may want to check the resale value. When you check it make sure you check worldwide also. There are a lot of buyers to be found in a simple Google search. From there do your homework and try to find out the validity of the purchaser you are dealing with. The global market for telecom is wide open. Smaller countries are still using the equipment that we discard as old and outdated technology.
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  6. #4
    kane333 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by msearl3244 View Post
    That is new enough equipment that you may want to check the resale value. When you check it make sure you check worldwide also. There are a lot of buyers to be found in a simple Google search. From there do your homework and try to find out the validity of the purchaser you are dealing with. The global market for telecom is wide open. Smaller countries are still using the equipment that we discard as old and outdated technology.

    I'm just starting to get into this scrapping business so I don't have much to work with, especially space to store anything like these for long term. These units are in Baltimore, MD. About 1 and a quarter hour or so away from me. My gf's son has a dually with a trailer. Since I don't really care to store these things and try to resell them, even though the price sheet shows $24k for three of the units and one unit over $100k, I've opted to strip the boards for telecom weight, also, scrapping the steel, aluminum, and copper. Unless someone could use these. They were taken out of a working environment but the hard drives were pulled.

  7. #5
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    I 2nd that ^.

  8. #6
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Looks like a nice pick up...keep us posted.
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  9. #7
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    I bought one of the mainframe units in this size range a few years ago. At the time I bought it, the warehouse where it was at would help load things with their forklift, even though it was stated in the contract the purchaser must load. Shortly before I went to pick it up, they'd loaded something for some guy, and cracked his tail lens, and he'd made them pay for a new one. When I got there to pick up the mainframe they were mad at the world, and wouldn't load anything for anyone. I stripped it as far as I could, but the frame alone was a monster. I tried tilting it over onto the back of my truck, but on that finished concrete floor, the feet on bottom slid, and it wound up flat on the floor( after crunching my tailgate fairly well). The warehouse had a rolloff there for metal, but said they were only allowed to put their own stuff in it. I had to leave it there, but said I'd be back in a few days. Complete removal was required, and I didn't want to lose my ability to bid there. They could even conceivably come back and charge me for cleanup. It was over a hundred miles each way to my home, but I came back a few days later, with whatever gear I could come up with to get that sucker up into my little truck. Can't remember what I'd brought, but it didn't work the second time either, that heavy rascal was still laying there. The manager was a good guy, but I could understand them being mad at the whole crowd. I was working to come up with something else, and when I called to say I'd be back the next day, he told me they'd done me a favor and put it in their rolloff. Dam but was I relieved! I was just a small time computer guy, and this big unit had been thrown in with some computers, I never figured it would been so heavy, even stripped, but didn't foresee the loading problem coming like it had, either, and certainly wasn't concerned about the scrap value. Anywho, I dam sure got a mainframe lesson on that deal. The one I'm taking about was a solid welded frame, those you have might be bolted
    Last edited by Bear; 11-10-2012 at 09:56 PM.

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  11. #8
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    If possible Kane, I'd still recommend saving the processors and memory to sell as upgrades. Some of the add in units, depending on what they are, or even their components, could be quite lucrative too

  12. #9
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I was working to come up with something else, and when I called to say I'd be back the next day, he told me they'd done me a favor and put it in their rolloff. Dam but was I relieved! I was just a small time computer guy, and this big unit had been thrown in with some computers, I never figured it would been so heavy, even stripped, but didn't foresee the loading problem coming like it had, either,
    They did you a very good favor as you would have been there a while trying to cut it up with a sawzall. If they can cut a car in two I know they can do a mainframe; just pack your lunch. The only thing you missed out on was the steel scrap value.

    I had a medium-small one I could not get into my car (I could barely drag it) after a load of computers, so I spent another half hour outside tearing it all down to small pieces so I could cram it into the car somewhere. Even the m'board was still at least 3 ft. long. A lot of steel in those frames.
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  14. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    A lot of steel in those frames.
    That's for sure! I couldn't even guess how much that thing might of weighed, but it was at best out of the 80s, maybe before. Looking at Kanes, I think those frames may be bolted

  15. #11
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    Looks good to me. Just remember scrap value is the lowest possible value of any object. Anything that can be salvaged and resold is extra profit.

    That's the beauty of the industry. You always know how much you can scrap an item for but along the way there's always a few jewels hidden in the trash.

  16. #12
    ddelatorre14's Avatar
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    If you still have them and have not scrapped them out I can get you a price for all three units in about a day or two if you can wait that long. Let me know
    Daniel De La Torre
    JMD Recycling Services Inc.

  17. #13
    kane333 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddelatorre14 View Post
    If you still have them and have not scrapped them out I can get you a price for all three units in about a day or two if you can wait that long. Let me know
    I have not scrapped them yet. I won them Saturday and will find out today when I can come pick them up.

  18. #14
    kane333 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddelatorre14 View Post
    If you still have them and have not scrapped them out I can get you a price for all three units in about a day or two if you can wait that long. Let me know

    I called the custodian at the warehouse where these units are being stored yesterday to find out about pickup and removal times. He said I have till November 30. He also said they have a forklift and will help load . I think I'll set up next Tuesday, November 20 as my pickup day. Hope this is enough time for you to get in touch with your potential buyer. I sent you a PM and am willing to pay out a percentage of the profits but this will most likely be local pick-up only unless your buyer has a way to transport these units. The specs show each weighing just over 1800 pounds, so the whole load will be in excess of 7200 pounds.

  19. #15
    kane333 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by kane333 View Post
    I'll be taking pics and posting soon so we can see what kind of boards are in these.

    Unfortunately, due to time restraints, I was unable to take pictures. I rented a Ryder with a lift gate and reinforced cargo bay for forklift loading. That ran me $123 and some change with insurance. Fuel cost another $31. Helpers $350. Total expenses: $1042. Walked out at the end of the day with a check for over $2300. I'm happy. Christmas is looking better this year. My full time job stopped giving year end bonuses 3 years ago. This makes up for some of that.

    These units were located at a facility that loaded them right onto the back of the truck with a forklift. We strapped them down, drove 15 minutes south to ROK Recycling in Millersville, MD. Randy OKane used his forklifts to get them off the truck, me and two helpers stripped these things down in about 4 hours.

    We left my house near Charles Town WV at 9 am, drove to Hagerstown, MD to pick up the Ryder, drove to Baltimore MD, picked the units up, transported them to Randy's facility, stripped the units (brought tools), drove all the way back to Hagerstown, MD, dropped the Ryder off, and back home to WV by 6 in the evening. And everyone made money. Thank you Randy@ROKRecycling.

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  21. #16
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    Awesome work! Santa is going to be nice to someone.

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