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MLA Music and Language Analyst

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  1. #1
    brucie started this thread.
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    MLA Music and Language Analyst

    Anybody ever seen or used one of these? The pic sucks but theres nothing after the screen on the left. On the tape cassette player it has Language Tutor. Those are the only writing on the the machine. Nothing in the plastic or stickers on back.

    Ive tried all kinds of googles and nothing like it comes up. I found some amps that have MLA on them and even a JL Cooper one that was a MLA 10 but nothing that looks like this thing. Any searches having "language and MLA" are dominated by the Modern Language Association.

  2. #2
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    i've noted that about google searches lately. A search for a product will garner only sales and marketing sites, and I'm thinking it's remeniscent of past Ebay tactics to squeeze every last dime out of a source. Much as when Ebay started selling front page slots to the highest bidder, and the "new listings" began to show only after you'd perused page after page of "newest listings because they'd bought that spot" items. Such is the case now with google, the results should still be there, but only after you've perused page after page of "payed for spots at the top".

    The solution i've found is to add another keyword when this happens, a keyword that will never be on any item for sale, such as "old, used, ancient, scratched", etc

  3. #3
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    also, did you visit the mla website (if they still have one) and in product support try to find a "discontinued products, legasy products etc"

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  5. #4
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    hmmm, tried popping the back cover and looking for a model or label inside ?

  6. #5
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    My wife found this one doing a cleanout of an apt where the tennants were evicted

    Akai Professional MPC 2000 Drum Beat Machine | eBay

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  8. #6
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    i've noted that about google searches lately. A search for a product will garner only sales and marketing sites, and I'm thinking it's remeniscent of past Ebay tactics to squeeze every last dime out of a source. Much as when Ebay started selling front page slots to the highest bidder, and the "new listings" began to show only after you'd perused page after page of "newest listings because they'd bought that spot" items. Such is the case now with google, the results should still be there, but only after you've perused page after page of "payed for spots at the top".

    The solution i've found is to add another keyword when this happens, a keyword that will never be on any item for sale, such as "old, used, ancient, scratched", etc
    Vintage is always a good word to ad as well. May not work in this case, but is a good one.
    I did some searching and found nothing. I agree with trying to open it up carefully and see what is in it. There could be a part number on a circuit board or something that will lead you to the correct answer.
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  10. #7
    brucie started this thread.
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    Yeah i tried all kinds of searches.. i was really surprised. i cant ever remember not being able to find at least a reference or something similar to an item/idea/whatever i was searching for. usually the sales sites are the first i go to when searching for items because they usually have a specs list, and then its easy to look for different versions of the object. .. well i should say carefully picked sales sites bc i know what you are talking about.

    the mla i found in searches mostly appeared to be model numbers like on this one and w/ a couple different brands... i didnt see anything like a "MLA' company.

    wow mike thats a good find. well at least i know a term, music production center, to try and describe something similar. i will call the local music shops. Looks like there are several selling similar to yours mike.

    will update when i find out more. maybe some music gear guy is just waiting for this rare beauty if i dont get anything from the shops i will take a peak inside.

    Last edited by brucie; 11-12-2012 at 09:20 PM.

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