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I could be wrong, but I thought boards that were graded as telecom usually had RF shielding in the form of gold plating directly on the board and that tightly populated boards were considered high grade.
When I was buying for my company, depending on the density, what most consider high grade telecom, I was able to get a Memory Board price for. I wouldn't consider what he has picutred high grade or memory board. It paid less than memory by a couple bucks, but a LOT more than high grade tele. I've never heard of telecom boards being entirely coated in gold to provide it with RF shielding. I would think there are / were cheaper routes at the time. Take a look at these:
I was ble to sell these to a guy in Eastlake, OH for memory board pricing. Granted there is a gold chip on the top left one, I would still stick it in with the memory board because it paid more than chip board.