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Intel 186 processors

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    drozenski started this thread.
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    Intel 186 processors

    These are the processors that are going for 300+/lb

    any one have figures on how many equal 1 pound?

    I have a few but my scale is not accurate enough to get a good weight on the few i have,

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  2. #2
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    somebody posted a list of cpu weights last week or so, thinking it was dune

  3. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Here's one I found; Compliments of Neon;
    4gm 24-pin socket IC (ceramic)
    7gm 24-pin socket Eprom (ceramic)
    7gm 40-pin socket IC (ceramic)
    24gm AMD 486
    23gm AMD K6 & K6-2
    18gm AMD Duron / Athlon (ceramic socket A)
    11gm AMD Duron / Athlon / ........ (plastic socket A)
    149gm AMD Athlon (slot A cartridge only)
    330gm AMD Athlon (slot A passive heatsink)
    41gm AMD Athlon XP / Sempron /....... (AM / AM2 socket)
    42gm Cyrix MII (gold top)
    35gm HP PA-Risc 7100/7150; 119gm (including HS);
    43gm IBM 6x86L (gold top)
    25gm IBM 6x86MX (brown top)
    29gm IDT WinChip C6
    24gm Intel i960 (ceramic)
    16gm Intel 386 (ceramic)
    10gm Intel 387 (ceramic)
    24gm Intel 486 (ceramic)
    44gm Intel 486 Overdrive
    36gm Intel Pentium 60/66 (ceramic - Socket 4)
    61gm Intel Pentium 60/66 (gold top - Socket 4)
    73gm Intel Pentium Overdrive (including HS & fan)
    48gm Intel Pentium 75, 90... (gold top - socket 5/7)
    30gm Intel Pentium (ceramic); 46gm (including HS); 70gm (including HS & fan)
    20gm Intel Pentium (plastic); 38gm (including HS); 63gm (including HS & fan)
    89gm Intel Pentium Pro (gold top)
    42gm Intel Celeron SEPP slot package (bare card - NO cache)
    43gm Intel Celeron SEPP slot package (bare card - with cache)
    153gm Intel Pentium II SECC1 slot package (bare cartridge - NO heatsink)
    245gm Intel Pentium II slot package (active HS); 288gm (including active HS & fan)
    up to 330gm Intel Pentium II slot package (standard sized passive HS)
    up to 415gm Intel Pentium II slot package (very large passive HS)
    53gm Intel Pentium III SECC2 slot package (bare cartridge - NO heatsink)
    198gm Intel Pentium III slot package (active HS & fan)
    up to 280gm Intel Pentium III slot package (standard sized passive HS)
    up to 370gm Intel Pentium III slot package (very large passive HS)
    9gm Intel Pentium III / Celeron (PPGA 370)
    23gm Intel Pentium III / Celeron (PPGA 370 Taulatin)
    24gm Intel Pentium IV (423 socket)
    19gm Intel Pentium IV / Celeron (478 socket)
    22gm Intel Pentium IV / Pentium D / ....... (775 socket)
    29gm Intel Xeon (Prestonia)
    59gm Intel Xeon (Gallatin MP)
    23gm Intel Xeon (Nocona, Irwindale); 877gm (including copper HS Wink )
    14gm Motorola 68020 (ceramic)
    7gm Motorola 68881 (ceramic)
    137gm NEC mainframe CPU (rectangular ceramic, square gold top)
    35gm VIA / Cyrix C3 (ceramic, gold top)
    This link might help to look up special CPU's,
    The Gecko's CPU Library
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  5. #4
    BarrenRealms007's Avatar
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    The weight can vary from 3.6g to 4.1g ea

    Roughly 125 to make a pound.
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  7. #5
    drozenski started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarrenRealms007 View Post
    The weight can vary from 3.6g to 4.1g ea

    Roughly 125 to make a pound.

    thanks sir. 6 and counting.

    so from my calculations.

    Roughly 7.5-8 per Ounce

    $21.5 per ounce @ $340/lb

    or roughly $2.65 per chip @ 8 per ounce.
    Last edited by drozenski; 12-19-2012 at 04:57 AM.

  8. #6
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Quote Originally Posted by drozenski View Post
    thanks sir. 6 and counting.

    so from my calculations.

    Roughly 7.5-8 per Ounce

    $21.5 per ounce @ $340/lb

    or roughly $2.65 per chip @ 8 per ounce.
    Too early for all that math. Thanks for the headache tho. Cheers

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