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What to say to a potential client

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    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    What to say to a potential client

    So, from time to time I check on facebook and message/like pages near me in all types of industries that can use my services. Today, I did some computer repair shops.

    I had a guy message me, and asked me what I proposed to him.

    Not sure what to say. I know when it comes to ewaste recycling most people want money since they know that even the junk/non working stuff is working money, but I am the kind of person that doesn't pay unless I absolutely need to. It would be one thing if prices NEVER changed and always the same, but even with ewaste recycling, the prices DO CHANGE!

    I have seen tons of members on here talk about a simple swap of good working computers/parts for their non working crap. Only issue is that I have no idea if anything in my possession works or does not work. I separate it all, and most stuff looks like it would work great to me, but I cannot willingly say it does, and in fact it might not.

    So, with all that said, how should I approach this?

    I am looking to make 2013 as profitable as I can for VIP Recycling
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  3. #2
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    Most repair/resell shops are interested in dual core and above machines, SATA dvd r/w drives, SATA hard drives 80gb and up and ram ddr2 or newer. But they only want the stuff that works.

    I live by the saying if you wanna make money you have to spend money. I have yet to run across a computer shop owner that didn't know there is money in the old junk. Best bet is to figure out what you can pay and still make money even if prices drop slightly. Make it a point to pay for items that way you learn what you can and cannot pay. Remember to keep in mind Fuel, your time, any overhead expenses and shipping or delivery to your buyer.

    After all even if they don't know there is money in it now, sooner or later they will find out and never call you with more.

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    Gravitar's Avatar
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    IDK if this would be a good idea, but this is what I would do. I would give him a really low continual price (Low ball him), then y'all negotiate until you can find a low price that suits him and you, and can cover costs if the price goes low. That way, if prices go up, you make more profit. If prices go below what you are paying him, you have a buffer of money from when the price was up to cover your costs until prices go up again. Just my $.02.
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  6. #4
    wannabemechanic's Avatar
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    I'm just starting in e-scrap, but of the people I talk to I find out what their current practice is/ deal they have going and offer my services at a competitive rate (if feasible). If they already have a sweetheart deal going, I give them my information and tell them to stick with what works best, but if they want/ need to change, to let me know and I'd be glad to do business with them.

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  8. #5
    corycouch's Avatar
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    First I wouldn't pursue any leads without a plan but common practice is $5 a tower, if he's got parts already broken down take a scale up there and subtract 25 to 50% of the value of your ewaste buyer, that should cover shipping and you should profit

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  10. #6
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Thanks everyone. I know of a few key points to bring to his attention that probably no one else offers that he might already be dealing with. I am also familiar with the standard $5/tower and less if it is not complete etc.

    We shall see how it goes, and will keep everyone informed.

    Thanks everyone for your feedback.

  11. #7
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    Most shops that I have spoken to already have a buyer they sell to. The key is to know what the prices in your area are. If they are selling to a yard most likely they are gettig alot less than what our buyers pay us. If thats the case then you should be able to offer them 20% more than what they currentley are getting and still make a nice profit when selling to a buyer here. I am starting to get a few scrappers in my area that were getting $1# for boards. Now they get $1.50 from me
    I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist


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  13. #8
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRASSCATCHER View Post
    Most shops that I have spoken to already have a buyer they sell to. The key is to know what the prices in your area are. If they are selling to a yard most likely they are gettig alot less than what our buyers pay us. If thats the case then you should be able to offer them 20% more than what they currentley are getting and still make a nice profit when selling to a buyer here. I am starting to get a few scrappers in my area that were getting $1# for boards. Now they get $1.50 from me

    Well I already know that they all pay way to LOW around here. The biggest "buyer" here pays so low it is ridiculous. I took some stuff to them once and I got $93 for everything, when if I sent it all into ewasted for instance, I would have gotten over $100 just on motherboards.

    There is another buyer right down the street that only pays $1 per board...not even per lb, but per board!

  14. #9
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    Well I already know that they all pay way to LOW around here. The biggest "buyer" here pays so low it is ridiculous. I took some stuff to them once and I got $93 for everything, when if I sent it all into ewasted for instance, I would have gotten over $100 just on motherboards.

    There is another buyer right down the street that only pays $1 per board...not even per lb, but per lb!
    Well than what are you waiting for? Use your investment know how from running your investment company. Take every dollar you have and pay $2 a pound for motherboards. Send tham all to one of us buyers and make 50 to 75% on your investment. Sounds like a no brainer to me.

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  16. #10
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    Well than what are you waiting for? Use your investment know how from running your investment company. Take every dollar you have and pay $2 a pound for motherboards. Send tham all to one of us buyers and make 50 to 75% on your investment. Sounds like a no brainer to me.
    I am slowly taking away from the scrap yards, but have to watch my step. Don't want any of them catching on, as most I do business with myself, and cannot afford to burn any bridges.

    Within the next 3 to 5 months, I plan to be doing a lot of ewaste business.

  17. #11
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    I am slowly taking away from the scrap yards, but have to watch my step. Don't want any of them catching on, as most I do business with myself, and cannot afford to burn any bridges.

    Within the next 3 to 5 months, I plan to be doing a lot of ewaste business.
    Instead of worrying about keeping it quiet from the yards offer to buy their ewaste............If they are paying so low then you should easily be able to pay enough for them to turn a profit

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  19. #12
    etack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    Instead of worrying about keeping it quiet from the yards offer to buy their ewaste............If they are paying so low then you should easily be able to pay enough for them to turn a profit
    The yards around me pay that low and sell to a buyer that has been mentioned on this site that pays pretty much normal prices. That's for telecom, ram CPU, MB, HD boards and any lower grade boards in the .10-.40# range.

    I offer anyone that will listen to me more but most never call.

    I buy Tantalum Capacitors and offer other services. Check out my thread for more info.

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  21. #13
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    Cool Rock'n on...

    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    Thanks everyone. I know of a few key points to bring to his attention that probably no one else offers that he might already be dealing with. I am also familiar with the standard $5/tower and less if it is not complete etc.

    We shall see how it goes, and will keep everyone informed.

    Thanks everyone for your feedback.
    Lots of good info here for you GeorgeB and I'll be watch'n to see how this plays out for you too buddy. Oh and don't forget the main portion of all this should be your sincere, powerful, radiant, honest and smiling self. A great personality pulls peeps towards you in life, no matter what your "pitch" or modus operandi happens to be, my young scrapp'n friend. lb
    Last edited by LarryB; 12-24-2012 at 05:52 AM. Reason: blooper

  22. #14
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    Up here two of the scrap yards I've been to pay nothing but shred price for anything electronic, including many, many towers & desktops. This far north I guess, the value of computers has been kept purposely way low at the yards. It doesn't help that I live in a guber-ment town, with mostly that type of mentality run'n stuff around here, I suppose. On a few occasions, I've watched half ton trucks, panel trucks, trailers and car trunks, loaded with bicycles,computers,beautiful metal golf clubs,exercise machines and so much cool stuff, being tossed onto the big magnet crane pile. Near made me cry to witness it for myself.

    So, like Mikeinreco mentioned, if I had a car or truck, you can believe that I would be in there like a dirty shirt ready to offer them four or five times what they pay for all that treasure in disguise.

  23. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by etack View Post
    The yards around me pay that low and sell to a buyer that has been mentioned on this site that pays pretty much normal prices. That's for telecom, ram CPU, MB, HD boards and any lower grade boards in the .10-.40# range.

    I offer anyone that will listen to me more but most never call.

    Wow. That's a pile of classified info right there if I've ever spotted any. Thanks. You mention, more but how Much more, may be the issue? I'd go minimum of doubling that price whatever (LOW) it is. Otherwise they just figure (stupidly) that it's not worth their time, changing everything over etc blah blah. Man,I wish,hope,pray and plead for Santa to put a nice ol' beater half ton under my little Carlie Brown Christmas tree tonight. lol

  24. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    Well than what are you waiting for? Use your investment know how from running your investment company. Take every dollar you have and pay $2 a pound for motherboards. Send tham all to one of us buyers and make 50 to 75% on your investment. Sounds like a no brainer to me.
    I second that PTS. Go get 'em GeorgeB! lb

  25. #17
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    Its like I've mentioned before, and some members here frowned, one of the best places to buy computers is when waiting in line at THE YARD. Here in Cornwall they pay $.29 cents a pound. I offer 5$ a tower and snatch them up. I know, I'm bad...
    Last edited by SuperDave; 12-24-2012 at 06:40 AM. Reason: spelling

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  27. #18
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDave View Post
    Its like I've mentioned before, and some members here frowned, one of the best places to buy computers is when waiting in line at THE YARD. Here in Cornwall they pay $.29 cents a pound. I offer 5$ a tower and snatch them up. I know, I'm bad...
    If we're caught soliciting customers on my yards property then we have a chance of being banned from the yard.
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  29. #19
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    I don't have any updates as of YET on the guy who messaged me, BUT I do have an update on another potential customer.

    A computer consulting firm that I also messaged, a lady from there called me today while I was out doing some last minute Christmas shopping. My cell was 2 minutes from dying, so I decided to let it go to voicemail ONLY so I wouldn't answer and hang up on the lady.

    I called back and left her a VM as she stepped out for a moment.

    Anyways, she tells me in the voicemail that they have a bunch of computers that they have been wanting to get rid of etc. Since I haven't spoken to her yet, I don't know if they are expecting $$$ for any of it or not, BUT they are just like another Computer Consulting client that I also have in Manassas, and since they get paid from their clients to dispose of the stuff, they like individuals/companies that will pickup and dispose for FREE!

    I am hoping that is how this one will turn out, because my last consulting firm, when I told them I would pick it all up for FREE, the President was really EXCITED and asked how soon I could come! lol

    Will keep everyone posted.

  30. #20
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    So, as everyone knows, I had 2 potential ewaste clients. I still haven't heard from the 1st one, but the second one was a nice lady from a Computer Consulting firm near me.

    She called me on Monday, we spoke on Wednesday, and I went there today. She was a bit off on what she told me she had, but I won't complain as she had MORE than she thought.

    What was supposed to be 12 desktop pcs, ended up being roughly 20 or so desktop pcs with 1 50 or so lb server. Along with 5 laptops, with 3 in semi working order. One works fully, just need to re install windows, the other one needs a hard drive, and the 3rd one needs a hard drive as well.

    Most likely I will sell all 5 except for one or 2. Ones that work, I will sell as a working model, and the others as scrap.

    Just in laptops alone I am looking at between $100 to $300 depending on what I get from them.

    Most of the desktops have their hard drives, with the server having like 5, so if they all work, that will be another close to $200 to $250 depending on what I sell each one for.

    Then the rest will get broken down, and what I cannot refine, will be sold to a buyer.

    All in all a great haul. The staff there was awesome and very friendly.

    Piece of advice, go online to Facebook or even the yellow pages, and search for Computer Consulting Firms in your area. I love these clients because they get paid from their clients to dispose of the merchandise, and LOVE people who want to take it at no cost to them. They asked me what the cost would be and I simply said 'If free works for you, it works for me too" and they were smiling from ear to ear!

    I did get 4 monitors which I told them I would take for FREE since they had more of the other stuff.

    Still needing to find a place for the lead glass, but I know the landfill does dispose of it in a environmentally friendly way.

    O and at least 2 of the desktops might possibly work, and if they do, I will sell them as whole units...match them with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

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