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Teaching Escrapping. What to charge? - Page 2

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  1. #21
    phildogg's Avatar
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    Idk I would do it for free, myself i believe in what comes around goes around. I have taught a friends dad to work on Escrap, he is learning slowly but still building a small load. I'm always glad to help someone else do well.

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  3. #22
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Although we may like to try, there is no keeping competition out. Don't you think Pepsi would love it if Coke went out of business?

    I had a recent experience posting my bandit signs. Guy called me and threatened me, saying HE had Michigan (Michigan!) covered for junk removal, and that he was going to go around and rip all my signs down, which he promptly did. Also threatened that if he ever saw me he was going to kick my a**. This was all left on a voice message which I have kept recorded on my phone.

    When I received the message I called him back trying to reason with him, but he just spewed more venom. Tried to invite him out for a cup of coffee, but he was just full of hatred.

    Never heard from him again, despite posting more signs, but for a few weeks Louise never left my side.
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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  5. #23
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurlyGuys View Post
    Although we may like to try, there is no keeping competition out. Don't you think Pepsi would love it if Coke went out of business?

    I had a recent experience posting my bandit signs. Guy called me and threatened me, saying HE had Michigan (Michigan!) covered for junk removal, and that he was going to go around and rip all my signs down, which he promptly did. Also threatened that if he ever saw me he was going to kick my a**. This was all left on a voice message which I have kept recorded on my phone.

    When I received the message I called him back trying to reason with him, but he just spewed more venom. Tried to invite him out for a cup of coffee, but he was just full of hatred.

    Never heard from him again, despite posting more signs, but for a few weeks Louise never left my side.
    You most likely have better prices than him, or trucks, or something.

    After my ex partner and I split up, for a few weeks while I still did dumpster diving, I carried around a police baton with me (the kind that extends out), wasn't so much for him if I saw him, but for other scrappers.

    Now, I don't ever do that stuff no more. Just go for what I am contracted for.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  6. #24
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Personaly I would teach them for certian items as payment or barter. Like have them put all the hard drives on a pallet and buy them for good price or allow you to chery pick them. Also the ram. Every yard I have seen that also breaks this stuff down just throws this stuff in 5 gallon buckets. As well as CPU's. Some more of the high dollar stuff from the computer could be your profit.

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  8. #25
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    So what is this yard doing now? Buying all electrical stuff and breaking it down how far? Do they buy ABS plastic, Low grade boards, CRTS, Lion batts? What do they do with these items now as they break them down? How far do you think they will want to break down something to make more money? Do they know most of the good stuff now? Yes you could point them to a better buyer and hope for some kickback for doing this. I think that you could also get better pricing from them on stuff you bring in. Seems like this would be the easiest way to get paid. This guy does not want to pay you to take the units. He is making money now on them as is. Breaking them down further will cost him more labor money, so you need to make sure he can cover his costs, if he can't you need to find a way for him to unload them to you for a fixed price!

  9. #26
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    Keep in mind that they are paying labor to break things down. I showed one yard exactly how to tear down and sort towers that they had been putting in shred and even a breakdown on hard drives. They did that for a little while, but decided the labor cost was too much for them as it kept the workers from cleaning and sorting copper and al. They now sell me all their towers whole and keep any other odd items for me to check out. Good relationships mean extra cash.

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  11. #27
    jghilino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pnutfarmer View Post
    Keep in mind that they are paying labor to break things down. I showed one yard exactly how to tear down and sort towers that they had been putting in shred and even a breakdown on hard drives. They did that for a little while, but decided the labor cost was too much for them as it kept the workers from cleaning and sorting copper and al. They now sell me all their towers whole and keep any other odd items for me to check out. Good relationships mean extra cash.
    Exactly if you cant make atleast $15 hour theres no point, because minimum wage employees and overhead run about that much. I draw the line higher at $25, if i cant make atleast that then is sells as is without further processing. Theres no way you can cover your costs breaking down hard drives. I would think it would definetly be there on the towers though.
    I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at

  12. #28
    mikedmissouri started this thread.
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    Wow alot of helpful input guys. I really appreciate it. Ill keep yall updated and what goes down.

  13. #29
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    I was wondering about this predicament a while ago & came up with this answer.

    Get them to give you 125 computer towers etc inc.
    You break the escrap down & show them how to do it, as you break it down, and they help.
    You sell the escrap, show them the receipt & keep the money.

    At the time I was thinking about the gold factor, teaching that as well.
    $2000 may seem a lot of $ to ask, but gold was $300 once & at the time they could have learnt it for $300...

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  15. #30
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikedmissouri View Post
    I went to a new scrap yard today and saw that they had a 16 ft trailer with 6 ft sides about half full of what they called electical breakage. THere was 7 computers that i could see. So obviously i want to find out if i can buy these from them. After talking to a few guys I get to the owner. He takes me back to where they are breaking down i full trailer of the same stuff. (same size trailer) I see about two dozen towers stacked off the the side. I tell him what i can pay for them wich was $5 each. Hes doesnt seem like hes real intersted and then he tells me about a company who wants to buy his boards from him. After about 10 minutes of talking to him he realizes that this company is ripping him off because he doesnt know what hes doin so he asks if id be willing to come in and teach his guys how to break down there ewaste. I said that i would love to. Now my question is what do i charge him? Im thinking barter might be the most benificial for me.

    I was dismayed when a local yard started doing escrap because I thought I wouldn't get people to sell me their computers ( which they already pretty much weren't doing anyway). But it has worked out well for me because they buy things that the other yard in town won't buy ( they want no electronic stuff at all) - things that are not cost efffective for me to ship. Recently the guy offered me prices competitive with the ebuyers on here so I don't have to absorb a shipping cost. Now he'll buy everything but my cpus.

    Maybe you could tell him that with enough weight he could send them to the processor himself. Maybe you could make a deal with him to get a good price on your escrap - instead of charging him you could make him some kind of partner or maybe one of the escrap buyers on here would give him better prices and you could get a percentage of it. Just a few thoughts.
    Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill

  16. #31
    mikedmissouri started this thread.
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    Went and met with the owner tonight and we agreed and a flat one time fee. I was really hoping for a some sort of barter but he just wanted to give me cash. Im not getting rich but its not often i make this much an hour Im goin back tomorrow night to to do the actual class. Im gonna try to get him to sell me all of his cermamic cpus. Ill let yall know how it goes.

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  18. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikedmissouri View Post
    Went and met with the owner tonight and we agreed and a flat one time fee. I was really hoping for a some sort of barter but he just wanted to give me cash. Im not getting rich but its not often i make this much an hour Im goin back tomorrow night to to do the actual class. Im gonna try to get him to sell me all of his cermamic cpus. Ill let yall know how it goes.
    Good luck with it Mike

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  20. #33
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikedmissouri View Post
    Went and met with the owner tonight and we agreed and a flat one time fee. I was really hoping for a some sort of barter but he just wanted to give me cash. Im not getting rich but its not often i make this much an hour Im going back tomorrow night to to do the actual class. Im gonna try to get him to sell me all of his ceramic cpus. Ill let yall know how it goes.
    I wouldn't try to give him different prices for the CPU's but one price for all of them. Like X amount for X each.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  22. #34
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikedmissouri View Post
    Went and met with the owner tonight and we agreed and a flat one time fee. I was really hoping for a some sort of barter but he just wanted to give me cash. Im not getting rich but its not often i make this much an hour Im goin back tomorrow night to to do the actual class. Im gonna try to get him to sell me all of his cermamic cpus. Ill let yall know how it goes.
    What kind of $$ did you 2 agree on?

  23. #35
    mikedmissouri started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    What kind of $$ did you 2 agree on?
    $300 I want to keep a good relationship with him so i wanted to do it for a fair price.

    Mechanic what ya think i should offer for a flat rate on ceramics?

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  25. #36
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikedmissouri View Post
    $300 I want to keep a good relationship with him so i wanted to do it for a fair price.

    Mechanic what ya think i should offer for a flat rate on ceramics?
    I pay $5. lb. for CPU's

  26. #37
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    $300 for one lesson, one time?
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  27. #38
    mikedmissouri started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRASSCATCHER View Post
    $300 for one lesson, one time?
    Yes sir.

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  29. #39
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    You know what...good for you sir. You asked a good question of the forum members and you got all our input, even my off the wall one,think i was a six pack deep that night, and then made your decision. Maybe others would say you could have done better or gotten a better deal but i think that by being a stand up, honest man with this yard owner is something that no one can put a value on and which will probably pay off for you somewhere down the line. Good luck in all your future endeavors.

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  31. #40
    mikedmissouri started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRASSCATCHER View Post
    You know what...good for you sir. You asked a good question of the forum members and you got all our input, even my off the wall one,think i was a six pack deep that night, and then made your decision. Maybe others would say you could have done better or gotten a better deal but i think that by being a stand up, honest man with this yard owner is something that no one can put a value on and which will probably pay off for you somewhere down the line. Good luck in all your future endeavors.
    Thanks alot Ray. One of the biggest problems i have with being a "business man" is that im maybe too honest. Ive often cut a little outa my pie to make sure i dont burn any bridges and keep my customers happy. One of my best traits is that i can read people very well. I played poker professionally for several years and became very good at reading people. I knew that if i threw out a crazy amount to this man that he would take it personally and would never forget the time "Mike tried to screw me" I am a big believer in karma and i truely believe i will get ten fold what i give, be it good or bad. I have to admit ray I almost spit my beer all over my laptop when i read your 15k suggestion. lol. I may not be much of a business man but i sleep sound at night with a clear conscience.

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