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I recently found an old TV with channel changing knobs, saved the changer units(one each for UHF, VHF), some thread not long ago someone said there were either gold or silver contacts in them?
Haven't really even thought about watching the boards too close though
Top center of the photo, it looks like a flower. From a 'click clack' tuner.
Under it theres some broken brown boards with gold that come out of the tuner part of a more modern indivdual tuner, this tuner was a 'slide out' sort that pops out of the frount of the TV.
Top left cnr are transistors etc with gold legs & plating from B&W TV's.
Theres 2 sorts of 'click clack' tuners.
1 has ceramic bars with wires & silver contacts around it. Thats what the 'flower' came from. It contacts on/to the end of the bar.
The others are flat brown silicon boards with designs on it that are gold plated, along with the gold plated brass contacts on it.
The other boards, top left & left middle are from
microwave ovens, National Genesis II etc.
Bottom ones are from security alarm boards.
Middle long sticks are from photo scanners. Lots (150+) of gold wires & contacts on each one.
Right hand side is my Jewel,('cept for a K5 triple gold CPU) its from a 'Star' brand computer or printer.
Left hand side are CCD's from older video cameras & photo scanners.
Under the brown board are gold plated boards from behind modern Microwave oven digital displays.
'D' shape board from old school printer.