Originally Posted by
They are mostly complete. I plan on selling to the buyers on here as far as CPU's, memory and really high grade boards. I sell the lower grade boards & med grade MBs for $3 a pound at my local yard. I get 35-40 cents per lb for power supplies. I've been dabbling in reselling parts, but mostly just memory over 1GB I've been saving.
Did everyone miss this quote or was it just me? Crockett, are you getting $3 per pound at LOCAL yard for LOW grade and MED grade boards? I would (almost) consider selling my green mb's at that price too if i could do away with the hassle and expense of boxing, palletizing, shipping etc. Certainly if they are buying the lower grade at that price, you can educate them to buy the higher grade for more? Seems to me that your yard is a bit more progressive and willing to pay fair prices. Nice find there in Seattle!