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The most you would pay for whole towers?

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  1. #1
    Crockett206 started this thread.
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    The most you would pay for whole towers?

    I have an opportunity to buy about two pallets a month of mostly towers with some servers included. All I have to do is beat the 25 cents per pound he's already getting for them. I'm curious as to your opinions on how much profit can be made if I offer him 27-30 per pound.

    Also for consideration I usually get 10.5 cent per lb for steel and 25 cents per lb for CD and floppy drives with or without the boards.


  2. #2
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    There's at least one thread in this forum that breaks down the time spent and the resulting dollars. I believe that the general consensus is you can get between $8 and $13 out of a typical tower. Best course of action would be to search for the above mentioned thread.

  3. #3
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    how complete are the towers?
    are you selling our the buyers on here or getting similar pricing?
    how much do you get for the power supplies?
    do you salvage reusable parts for resale? (possibly to pts)

    paying per lb works to your advantage on the smaller computers and may balance out some of the heavier ones. also sometimes the heavier ones have better/heavier boards and such in them.

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  5. #4
    Crockett206 started this thread.
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  6. #5
    Crockett206 started this thread.
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    They are mostly complete. I plan on selling to the buyers on here as far as CPU's, memory and really high grade boards. I sell the lower grade boards & med grade MBs for $3 a pound at my local yard. I get 35-40 cents per lb for power supplies. I've been dabbling in reselling parts, but mostly just memory over 1GB I've been saving.

  7. #6
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    keep you eye on current buyers pricing. as I predicted last year, more and more people are getting into the "GOLD RUSH" The natural supply and demand is taking over. more comp scrappers, more supply lower scrap price in the second tier buyers market . and higher prices in the first tier buyers market as competition continues to grow.

    I am getting $1 to $1.50 less a lb then I was a year ago. some of the most common processors have gone to the basement.. Unless we have a big jump in Gold prices I expect this doward trend to continue. my .02
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  9. #7
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flinthills View Post
    There's at least one thread in this forum that breaks down the time spent and the resulting dollars. I believe that the general consensus is you can get between $8 and $13 out of a typical tower. Best course of action would be to search for the above mentioned thread.
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  11. #8
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    I dunno about that olddude. Because this is the new hot gold rush item there are many new ways to sell these items at our old prices or better. only thing i miss about last year is selling boards for 4.25 a lb. Also doing refurbishment and resale helps alot more then scrapping units. The way the up and coming escrapper is gonna get ahead of this game is if they can fix and build computers. That means being able to test in house every part you come across. I get a good mix between scrap units and resellers so things are smoothing out. Also i still dont see a decline in material. If you eat, sleep, and breath ewaste it will come.
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  12. #9
    Gravitar's Avatar
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    What I would do is get an average weight of all the components and average out the price that you could make per tower. From this number, subtract labor, tool, and gas costs and this your potential profit if you get the computer for free. From this, what is the lowest amount of profit you are willing to make on a tower. Find the difference between the two numbers and this is the amount of money you have left to pay for computers. The more you want to make, the less money you have to be able to pay for them. I hope this helps and makes sense.
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  13. #10
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dunemaul View Post
    I dunno about that olddude. Because this is the new hot gold rush item there are many new ways to sell these items at our old prices or better. only thing i miss about last year is selling boards for 4.25 a lb. Also doing refurbishment and resale helps alot more then scrapping units. The way the up and coming escrapper is gonna get ahead of this game is if they can fix and build computers. That means being able to test in house every part you come across. I get a good mix between scrap units and resellers so things are smoothing out. Also i still dont see a decline in material. If you eat, sleep, and breath ewaste it will come.
    my post was directed at the e scrapper. I'm not a computer builder, I'm a scrapper and at 70 I have no interest in becoming a computer builder for those who can more power to you. I fully realize they have a leg up on me but, most my age have the same problem with cyber tech. I'm having a hard enough time trying to figure out E bay.

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  15. #11
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    i've read some pay as much as $5/tower. if you don't have a local buyer then your gonna eat up some of the profit in shipping. i wouldn't pay $5/tower if you have to ship it.
    i just cashed in about 10 towers and a server and didn't make much. if it wasn't for the server i wouldn't have made anything. personally i'd rather have a truck load of shred than pay for towers.

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  17. #12
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NWOdrudge View Post
    i've read some pay as much as $5/tower. if you don't have a local buyer then your gonna eat up some of the profit in shipping. i wouldn't pay $5/tower if you have to ship it.
    i just cashed in about 10 towers and a server and didn't make much. if it wasn't for the server i wouldn't have made anything. personally i'd rather have a truck load of shred than pay for towers.
    Give me a load of complete towers I paid $5 for over shred anytime.......Sorry man your missing the boat

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  19. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    Give me a load of complete towers I paid $5 for over shred anytime.......Sorry man your missing the boat
    probably... i haven't figured out e-scrap and don't plan too. i'll stick with the scrap nobody wants.

  20. #14
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    ^Completely agree. Shred is more of a frustration to me because of the payout to space taken up ratio. I can load up a full 4X8 trailer full of shred (about 1000 pounds for me) and only make $70 at my yards pricing last week. Meanwhile, I can stack completed computers and get a full load on the same trailer, and make $100's of dollars for a few hours work after I pay for them. I would take paying for the computers in a heartbeat.

    NWO, you and I were typing at the same time. I was replying to Mikeinreco. Anyway, I understand your reasoning and I fully respect what you scrap.
    Last edited by Gravitar; 01-24-2013 at 06:00 PM. Reason: Timing

  21. #15
    JohnM's Avatar
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    How are they getting their towers? Are these what's leftover after they've dug through for everything of value, or is there potential for valuable equipment, over scrap pricing? Even without this information, I would say it's worth a trial run. With the forum buyers paying the prices they do, your worst case scenario is looking pretty good.

  22. #16
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    had a question when I first read your post, but still haven't seen anyone touch on it

    Quote Originally Posted by Crockett206 View Post
    All I have to do is beat the 25 cents per pound he's already getting for them.
    If all you gotta do is beat the other guys 25 cents, it would seem that all the next guy who comes along will need to do is to beat yours, and if this is the gig, my recommendation would be to use only very minimal increments, hopefully reducing the strain brought on by future price wars, as you're trying once again to win these pallets back from the next new player.

  23. #17
    Phantoms001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    keep you eye on current buyers pricing. as I predicted last year, more and more people are getting into the "GOLD RUSH" The natural supply and demand is taking over. more comp scrappers, more supply lower scrap price in the second tier buyers market . and higher prices in the first tier buyers market as competition continues to grow.

    I am getting $1 to $1.50 less a lb then I was a year ago. some of the most common processors have gone to the basement.. Unless we have a big jump in Gold prices I expect this doward trend to continue. my .02
    I don't think the problem is the competition, I think it's the quality of the computers. We all know they are pushing out cheaper computers with less pm value. It's becoming more uncommon for me to find 486/386 computers at auction. They are all the junk Dell 260s and 280s.

  24. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gravitar View Post
    NWO, you and I were typing at the same time. I was replying to Mikeinreco. Anyway, I understand your reasoning and I fully respect what you scrap.
    i'm sure even at 27 cents per pound he may make a decent profit if towers/servers aren't missing much. to me, it is a lot of work for little reward. perhaps if you can test and resell some of it then you will make out much better.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gravitar View Post
    ^Completely agree. Shred is more of a frustration to me because of the payout to space taken up ratio. I can load up a full 4X8 trailer full of shred (about 1000 pounds for me) and only make $70 at my yards pricing last week.
    your yard don't pay much for shred. getting $205/ton here.
    Last edited by NWOdrudge; 01-24-2013 at 09:00 PM.

  25. #19
    Phantoms001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    had a question when I first read your post, but still haven't seen anyone touch on it

    If all you gotta do is beat the other guys 25 cents, it would seem that all the next guy who comes along will need to do is to beat yours, and if this is the gig, my recommendation would be to use only very minimal increments, hopefully reducing the strain brought on by future price wars, as you're trying once again to win these pallets back from the next new player.
    Yeah, .30 cents a pound is getting into the questionable arena. Aside from the problem Bear brought up, you are paying about 7.50-8.00 a tower and much more for a server. I couldn't think of doing something like that unless I could inspect the computers and know what I was buying. The avg computer weights 25-28 pounds. Servers could weigh 60-100. You are going to be much more successful if you are paying per item UNLESS you really know what is there. Even then, I'd be looking to do something in the "flat rate" area. You are buying mostly steel. The exception would be older 286/386/486 that are complete.

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  27. #20
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    Offer.27 and get a 1 year contract to avoid a bidding war every month. even at that price to make any money you will have to do the work your self with only 2 pallets per mo. You can probably go as hi as .30 with a one or 2 year contract.

    sooner or later the yard owner is going to assume he can make more doing them in house, or will probably cream some of the boards, the sight of gold does strange things to most people.

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