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Huge opportunity

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    CanIScrapIt started this thread.
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    Huge opportunity

    "I have many different brands, years, and sizes of computer towers for sale, i also have motherboards and hard drives.

    Some of the towers work fine but some dont it all depends, Some of the towers are complete some arent it varies but most

    are complete. Im askin $6.50 A piece for the towers. I have as many as you need. if your interested please call me at

    ###-###-####, please call for faster response ask for jerry. thanks"

    We made a deal. This guy had about 30 486 CPUs and about 5 pentium pro CPUs that he sold last week for $30. I didn't call him in time. This time, I did. He wants $6.50 each. I told him $5, but he said he pays $5 for them and wants to turn them around quick.

    I don't have the money, but I'm in to process of finding investors. He told me what I can't afford the first time around, he will hold for me. I feel that this is a huge opportunity because: He gets about a pallet a week.... and these are a WIDE assortment of computers, bought from a scrap yard.

    These aren't all p4, they are 386, 486, pro, slot, p1, p2, EVERYTHING! I'm just hoping I can make this happen and make profit on it. Any comments or thoughts?
    Last edited by CanIScrapIt; 01-25-2013 at 02:39 PM.
    Yeah that's great and all...but...CAN I SCRAP IT!?

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  3. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    PM me

  4. #3
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    a bit far for me but, how many does he have. pm me.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

  5. #4
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    I know who this guy is and he is full of it. He works for a scrap yard and I am pretty sure he steals this stuff from them. I went out there last week to buy the CPUs he had, and when I got there, the good ones were mysteriously missing. In the picture were all kinds of ceramic processors, but none when I got there. He kept saying, " I swear I had some Pentium Pro's in there".

    I was curious as to why someone would palletize and shrink wrap those and put them on a shipping container if they were just going to sell them locally.

    If you go out there, I wish you good luck.

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  7. #5
    BuckStacyBuck's Avatar
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    sketchy ^

  8. #6
    Libertytow's Avatar
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    while i agree it is very very sketchy if it turns up legit call me 732 279 8599 i am always looking to invest
    Liberty Towing & Recycling
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