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I would try to get them for $100-150. 1U and 2U servers don't have 4-6 lbs high grade boards, more like 3-4 lbs each. The hard rives are not worth more than scrap value. Once in a while I was able to sell 18/36/73 GB SCSI drives, but it takes a while, not too many buyers want them. A bit too much for $200, but it you can get them for less, you should do OK.
I put in an offer to do some "horsetrading". I've got a few rebuilder 'puters saved back and offered a couple and a little cash in trade.
If they don't bite then I'm not out anything. Whats the worst they can do,, say yes.??? I'm not going to sweat it if they turn me down.
Thanks again for all the advise as like I said, I'm not really familiar with servers.
And I did wonder about those 73gig HD's, I've got a few of them already saved back, donno why. Thought they were scarce.