Originally Posted by
Maybe I shouldn't have worded it that way. I just don't want to see anyone take a loss like that. Having 50 CRT's included in that deal would turn me off. Hard to get rid of CRT's. Happyscraper's solution would be the way to go. The average for a tower, as far as I've seen reading posts here, is about $5 per tower. Knock a dollar off each tower since they're all missing hard drives and you're looking at about $200 for the lot. If you decide to scrap them, his lowest price of $800 is
way too much. If your desire is to refurbish them, plan on a lot of testing and a lot of listing on craiglist or
My original thought was to just scrap them, cause he said CRTs so I figured old computers.
I am waiting to hear back from him with Model numbers and specs. He said they are all the same model and same specs. He must have bought them at an auction and got them home to find out he is in over his head.
I have a few Core2 computers waiting to be refurbished right now. Testing is no problem I have done that before. I have software and stuff for testing them.
I have a bunch of PCI cards to test, a few memory sticks and enough 500Gb drives to get started unloading them...... We will see.....