That's right fellow forum members. I present the first in what my wife and i hope to be a continuous practice here on the forums.
The admin has an image of the CPU's with the weight.
DISCLAIMER * The admins/mods/staff are NOT involved in this contest in any way except for having seen the image with the weight. The member posting this contest is paying for the membership and picking the winner, not the forum. Your account must be in good standing!
Guess the CPU's Weight!
Here are the rules.
1. Any one can guess but only non
scrap room members can win the free membership
2. This contest will go on for 48 hours to give people time to guess.
3. Only one guess per person. Please no guessing with multiple accounts.
4. Have fun!
5. Winner is decided by who guesses the weight correctly first or who is closest at the end.
The winner and weight will be posted a few hours after the contest is over. Lastly this may not always be a free membership we are flirting with the idea of other incentives, please stay tuned!
Here is the image you must guess the weight. The CPU's range from every category, and the box may or may not be included in the weight for some added mystery!
Drum Roll..... And the winner is!
Actual weight of the CPU's was 8.2 pounds, or for a precise measure measurement. 8 pounds 3.2 Oz's
1st Place and a free Scrap room membership.
HappyScraper! with a guess of 8 pounds 4 Oz's (0.8) off!
2nd place with an honorable mention.
albertgold with a guess of 8 pounds even.