HDs are worth $1 to @ for scrap depending on how far you want to break it down. I am not going to give blood secreats on an open forum, but just know this, all servers are not created equal We buy from government agencies, military and military contractors so our situation is a little different because of security issues.. I probably have $10,000,000 retail value in working servers in my yard right now but the scrap value is still about 3 to $5,000, and a he** of a lot of work.
Many military grade servers are a server inside a Fariday box and are built like a tank. no screws on the out side all rivets. The cpus in a server is generally not a high grade chip, most are run on fiber optic witch boosts the efficiency of every thing 200 times the fastest broad band. and and most parts cant be used in a personal computer with out frying it.