Well broke down all of the servers. I'm sending around 100 pounds of the choice materials out Monday. Still have a lot that I need to get boxes for. I just started on the desktops this afternoon. I'm hoping to get through atleast half. By that I mean just pulling cards ram processor and mobos out. I'll deal with the drives later. I also have a nice pile of #2 unprepared that I'm sure will pay for my gas.
One of the servers had a nice surprise. When it was opened I noticed some nice copper heat sinks. 4 of them weighing 3 pounds each so with my yards price of 3/lb that was a nice 36 dollar surprise.
I'll try to keep y'all posted about what I get out of this load.
I still have more to go pick up and worked out a deal with my source that all
escrap will go to me. I know getting material for free is a good feeling but its an even better feeling knowing that you will have a steady supply for a few dollars.