I would take 3.00 for my motherboards. It's about what I'm getting shipping the boards. I would take 3.00 for all my boards if I had a place I could just drop them off and get cash.
Local for me...............
Purchasing – - – Last Updated: 04/01/2013
Circuit Boards - Grade A (green computer motherboards, edge cards, telcom boards; with no Batteries or AL heat sinks)
Circuit Boards – Grade B (motherboards with Batteries + AL heat sinks, Grade A boards with small transformers)
Circuit Boards – Grade C (rainbow motherboards; with no Batteries or AL heat sinks)
Circuit Boards – Grade D (TV/VCR, Power Supply, boards with heavy AL and iron/transformers)
RAM (Gold or Gold/Silver lead mixed, also includes cleaned P2/P3 processor boards)
RAM (50% or more Silver/Tin leads)
Wire from electronics (without ends)
Wire from electronics (with ends)
Thin Ribbon Wire from electronics (with or without ends)
Gold Tip Connector Ends (Printer/Serial/USB Cable Ends; NO Power Cable ends)
AL Heat Sinks (clean no Steel)
AL/Cu Heat Sinks (clean no Steel)
Dirty AL Heat Sinks (Heat Sinks with Steel attached)
AL Hard Drives (with Circuit Boards)
Power Supplies (with wires)
Power Supplies (no wires)
CD/Floppy Drives (separate from other steel and Power Supplies)
Rechargeable Batteries (not leaking: NiCad, LiIon, NiMH, Lead-Acid)
Lithium Ion Batteries (not leaking, separated from other rechargeable Batteries)
Processors (prices vary greatly due to change of Market Conditions, minimum 1 Lb of each grade or drops to lowest grade in batch)
P2/P3 Slot Processors (complete with Heat Sinks, etc.)
SUN, IBM Flat Processors (flat processors with no pins)
Green, Plastic, P4 Processors (small square chips not soldered on board, no AL)
Ceramic P1 Processors (no AL Heat Sinks, etc.)
Motorola, Pentium Pro (no AL Heat Sinks, etc.)
486/386 Processors (no AL Heat Sinks, etc.)
I can only sell select items like wire, heat sinks, hard drives, power supplies, the rest goes to the forum buyers.