Estimate how many pounds you hauled for them last year. If you don’t know estimate how much you paid to them last year and use the following equation.
Example: (P)x = C
P= the price you paid per pound
X = Unknown Weight in pounds
C= How much you paid them last year
$0.06x = $1500
X = 25,000 pounds
Now, what did you make last year from all this? Use this to figure out what you are making per pound
Xy = R
X = Weight in pounds
Y = Unkown profit per pound
R= Gross Payout last year
25,000y = $10,000
y= $0.40 per pound
Now play with the amount you pay per pound to see how it will affect your gross profit.
**Don’t forget to factor in your other expenses and the fact that
ewaste prices have fallen**