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selling computer scrap on ebay

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    timy started this thread.
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    Wink selling computer scrap on ebay

    it worth selling computer scrap on ebay i want to compare it buyers hear on the forum

  2. #2
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    In my opinion its not.....I tried to sell a few things on ebay but just shipping it to ewasted (or your fav buyer) is much easier plus he does not charge fees (Ebay, Paypal, etc)......The only difference is you might get the customer to pay for the shipping on ebay but several of our buyers here do offer pre-paid labels and just take the money off the top

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  4. #3
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    I have also found that finding the occasional idiot that pays ridiculous prices on eBay doesn't happen often enough to justify taking up my storage space. Much easier to ship it off, you know exactly what you are going to get before you even ship it, and it's a much quicker turn around. I've had success with quite a few things on eBay, but have also had to store things that tale forever to sell. My opinion is that if you have a purchase price and a buyer available, its less of a headache that way.

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  6. #4
    timy started this thread.
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    ok thanks guys i want to learn how to use ebay any way and it never hurts to experiment and check things out i know some people don't like ebay but that is not going to stop me

  7. #5
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Basically take the serial numbers and put them on ebay and see what they go for.

    When I get stuff in, it gets tested, and if it works, and it is worth selling and shipping via ebay, I do that. I do have a pile of stuff slowly building up that to me isnt worth selling, and will be shipped off to a buyer.

    You, like the rest of us are in business to make money. Simple as that. However, time is also a very valuable commodity in any business.

    With that said, you just have to determine for yourself, what is worth it.

    I have mainly sold hard drives (depending on size) and ram, and have done rather well. Shipping and fees dont add to very much, and I sell it for more than I make on a per lb basis.

    I am going to give a run with power supplies and motherboards, but all in due time.
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  9. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Timy, it's going to take a while to get some good feedback built up. I did it with some stuff that didn't really matter if it went dirt cheap. That's about the only way you can get them to buy from a new person with no or low feedback. I pack my stuff real well and ship promptly right after they pay. In the descriptions of the item spell everything out (nick/scratches/etc.) plus your return policy, that way there should not be any(many) questions.
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