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Someone copying my ad - Page 2

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  1. #21
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Quote Originally Posted by FourNines View Post
    Not that I condone it, but if he doesnt respond to your request to change his ad, I would unleash an ad flagger software on him that would drive him crazy.
    You need multiple computers flagging a add as flagging is based off a number of factors.

    1. The unique number of Flags
    2. The number of adds you have had flagged in the past
    3. The reason they were flagged, spam, miss categorized ect.
    4. The category that the adds have been flagged in.

    These are all part of an algorythm that determines if your post is removed.

    Software does not exist to remove peoples adds from craigslist. Their are services that will do this however.

    Quote Originally Posted by FourNines View Post
    All you folks posting on CL need to track your ads. Not just for what ads and headlines pull the best, but to see who is flagging your ads.
    If your ads are being flagged, you can detect the ip and block the ip from seeing your ad in the future. If they can't see it, they cant flag it.
    Dont post mis information.

    1. You cant detect the IP that is flagging your adds. Craigslist owns the system you have no access to that information.
    2. You cant block people from seeing your adds.
    We pay you to recycle!

  2. #22
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    "Data mining", including using software that gathers IP addresses is a very unwelcome violation of CL TOS You may get by with it for a time, much like speeding on the freeway, but, it'll eventually get ya

    If your ad isn't showing up in search, it's probably "ghosting", and you'll probly need to start over with a completely re-written ad

  3. #23
    corycouch's Avatar
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    I put my avatar on here on my cl ad when it comes time to add pictures which is actually my merchandiser ad. so even if someone copies my ad word for word they cannot copy my avatar without some editing anyway
    expect the worst and hope for the best
    cory couch
    c & c recycling
    (870) 897-6484

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  5. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by drozenski View Post
    You need multiple computers flagging a add as flagging is based off a number of factors.

    1. The unique number of Flags
    2. The number of adds you have had flagged in the past
    3. The reason they were flagged, spam, miss categorized ect.
    4. The category that the adds have been flagged in.

    These are all part of an algorythm that determines if your post is removed.

    Software does not exist to remove peoples adds from craigslist. Their are services that will do this however.

    Dont post mis information.

    1. You cant detect the IP that is flagging your adds. Craigslist owns the system you have no access to that information.
    2. You cant block people from seeing your adds.
    I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with anyone, but you have no clue what YOU are talking about.
    With one pixel imbedded in my ad, I can track number of hits, ips, etc.
    So before you ASSUME that these things cannot be done and bash me on a public forum, do some research.
    Last edited by FourNines; 05-12-2013 at 10:30 AM.

  6. #25
    cummins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ilyaz View Post
    I have a revolving ad on CL (in the wanted section) for computer scrap. I just noticed that some guy copied my entire ad word by word, added his contact info and put the ad in the CL computer section. From the fact that he put his name, phone number and address in that ad tells me he's a newbie. Still, I am a bit pissed off. I am tempted to write to him telling him that he should at least spend some time creating his own ad instead of lifting mine. Or should I just let it go? What would you do?
    if some one did that to me i'd be calling and talking to the guy

  7. #26
    CLR Solutions's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ewasted View Post
    I can relate! That has happen to me on this very forum
    I've always been advised that imitation is the best form of flattery.
    Or the one over on gold refining forum doing that with your ad there. Some company over their just registered as username CLR which I thought was odd but typical of my luck.
    CLR Solutions is Your Partner in Secure Data Management and IT Asset Disposition

  8. #27
    cummins's Avatar
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    Im not gona lie, the saying "if its metal or has metal parts, has a power cord or takes batteries we recycle it" I use on my kijiji ads and flyers...ive seen it on here a few times, and keeping it short and sweet and to the point for news paper adds its perfect, I cant figure out a shorter more to the point way of describing my services.

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