Makes sense. There was a report a few years back that stated what we perceived to be
e-scrap recycling at the time was ust dumping our stuff back on the shores of Japan where the stuff was made in the first place so that it could be controlled by the cartells. Of course once that aired on CNN, I know of 4 "professional recylers" that closed their doors because that's all they were doing. People were donating their stuff to these companies in good faith and they were making big bucks off selling it back to Japan. Me personally, I don't see a problem with that but there's the right way and wrong way of doing it. I believe what the future will see is more scrappers getting into refining their stuff themselves and opening themselves to international markets such as
ebay(even though their an auction house) or alibaba. I also believe that there will be a huge drop from people who get into scrapping due to either lack of interest or too much work.
Just my 2 cents on the subject,