I wanted to share a great phone to break down. I have taken apart a lot of business phones, and this is one of the easiest, and so far has yielded the best boards.
Meridian M2317
Year Approx. 1995
Base Weight – 2.59 lbs
Insulated Wire – 0.01 lbs
Plastic – 1.16 lbs
Mixed Metal – 0.35 lbs (Speaker assy, mic, screws, etc)
LCD Screens – 0.11 lbs
Gold Connector – 0.00 lbs (one connector)
LCD Board – 0.06 lbs (gold plating, 5 square flatpacks) RAM price?
Main Board #1 – 0.42 lbs (ceramic processor, gold pins, phone connectors, ic chips, lots of bare space --- some have gold cap processors!!!)
Main Board #2 – 0.39 lbs (silver window eprom, gold pins, lots of ICs)
All of the boards vary a little bit from unit to unit, even when sourced from the same place.
About 10% of the phones of this model that I have gotten have this gold capped ceramic CPU in them.