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After receiving my first big load of computer scrap i decided to break down the 60 or so power supplies. My yard only pays $0.15 per pound without wire. It's easy to see that there is much more money in a power supply than the $0.15 to $0.45 cents I've been getting. My question is, the things attatched to the aluminum heat sinks, are those what you call eproms? Should I be keeping those separate or just leave them on the board? Haven't dealt with anything like this before this weekend, still gave 25 years or so of learning to go!!!
41HW - you would think power supplies are worth a whole more but reality says not, due to time required to dismantle. I am getting .25 per pound without wires, some guys are getting .30. The time required to unscrew all those transistors from the heatsink is unbelievable. If you have a good air chisel with a straight 1" bit that is sharpened on one side, you can pop the heatsinks, chokes and transformers off in a few seconds. separate and sell as irony aluminum, irony copper and low or mid board. Gives you something to do when times are slow but won't make you a whole lot more money. Have a great day. TRB