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CD/DVD Drive and HDD Breakdown

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  1. #1
    41haikuwarriors started this thread.
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    CD/DVD Drive and HDD Breakdown

    The wife is at work and the kids are at their grandma's so on this extremely rare occasion of being alone i decided to rock out to some DMB and do some break downs.

    First up CD/DVD drives

    I weighed 5 different drives to try to get an average. My pricing reflects the price i get at my yard and ewasted's pricing for boards.
    These 5 drives took me 10 minutes to tear down, i don't include payment for my time into anything i do because to me, as a secondary source of income, it's all extra money made during time i would have otherwise wasted.

    5 CD/DVD drives
    Total weight - 9lbs. @ $0.10 = $0.90

    Break Down

    CD/DVD Boards - .6lbs @ $3.00 = $1.80
    Low Grade Boards - .04lbs @ $0.15 = $.006
    Brass - .03lbs @ $1.80 = $0.05
    Electric Motors - .59lbs @ $0.17 = $0.10
    Shred - 7.75lbs @ $0.07 = $0.54

    Total payout = $2.496 or $2.50

    So according my yards prices i get paid $0.50 per CD/DVD drive i break down. Which is much better than getting $0.18 for each one if i had brought them in whole.

    I also broke down the electric motors afterwards and it added another $0.76 to the total for those five drives, making each drive worth $0.65, but it took me 20 minutes to break down the motors, and while i don't mind breaking things down most of the time, i think i will leave the drive motors whole from now on.

    5 HDD
    Total Weight 5.175lbs @ $0.40 = $2.07

    HD Boards - .29lbs @ $10.10 = $2.93
    HD Case (no board) 4.9lbs @ $0.40 = $1.96

    Total Payout = $4.89

    I have no idea why but my yard doesn't differentiate between HDD with boards or without. They pay $0.40 regardless. So all i usually do is pull the boards off and take the drives in. Just for fun I decided to break the rest of the casings down.

    5 HDD (no boards)
    Total Weight 4.9lbs @ $0.40 = $1.96

    Break Down

    Painted Aluminum - 3.19lbs @ $0.50 = $1.60
    Stainless Steel - .29lbs @ $0.25 = $0.07
    Electrics Motors - .61lbs @ $0.17 = $0.10
    Platters - .27lbs @ $1.00 = $0.27 (Mechanic688's price)
    Shred (screws) .50lbs @ $0.07 = $0.04

    Total Payout = $2.08

    Maybe I did something wrong, or maybe i missed something, but it seems to me that 15 to 20 minutes worth of work for an extra 12 cents just isn't worth it. It's obvious that pulling the boards off is much more profitable, but that's as far as i am going to take it from now on.

    5 Floppy Drives (unfortunately for me i did not have any Floppy drives with aluminum casings)

    Total Weight 3.56lbs @ $0.10 = $0.36

    Break Down

    Boards - .4lbs @ $3.00 = $1.20
    Electric Motors - .30lbs @ $0.17 = $0.05
    Brass - .02lbs @ $1.80 = $.04
    Wire - .02lbs @ $0.25 = $.005
    Shred - 2.85 @ $0.07 = $0.20

    Total Payout = $1.50

    The Floppy Drives took about 10 minutes to break down.

    Tomorrow i might add the power supply break down (I really need to do the power supplies for myself so i know if I'm wasting my time or not) but now i have to go to the In-laws and eat some fried chicken.
    Last edited by 41haikuwarriors; 06-15-2013 at 01:10 PM. Reason: added break down

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