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extra gold goodies in cell phones?

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    amoncion started this thread.
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    extra gold goodies in cell phones?

    OK, so my mother in law gave me a bag of old phones, and I figured I'd break them down. On top of a very nice pile of highly gold plated boards, I found these:

    This first one was the tiny ribbon cable connecting the screens to the board with what looks like goldfingers?

    Secondly, this came from the ribbon connecting the screen to the keyboard on a side slider. The bigger plated piece is only plated on one side, the smaller is plated on both.

    Finally, this is the one that confuses me. It came off an older Motorola flip phone. there was a piece of plastic around the mic and wrapped around the plastic was this bar thingy. I don't know but it sure looks gold plated to me. Any ideas?

    Thanks for the look.

  2. #2
    auminer's Avatar
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    The ribbon cable is gold mylar. Search this forum for those words & you'll learn all about it.

    The last pic looks as though it could be gold plated something-or-other, but the weight of the base material is so high that the relative value of the gold plating, if there is any, is overwhelmed. I usually throw stuff like that in my gold connectors bucket, and show my buyer when I sell them... maybe get an extra couple of cents a pound on the connectors.
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  4. #3
    amoncion started this thread.
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    Thanks for the info, every search I made as soon as "cell phones" was in there all I got as results were breakdown vs sell whole posts.

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