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DVR Hard Drives and resale..

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  1. #1
    Sirscrapalot started this thread.
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    DVR Hard Drives and resale..

    Alright..probably gonna get yelled at by the class for this..but what the heck..I've been bored all day. Might as well create a bit of excitement.

    For the resale folks, buyers, whoever..

    My Direct tv guy dropped off some older receivers to me earlier today, an I broke one open a little bit ago an pulled out a 180gb IDE question is, should I just scrap it like I do most of my HDs for the boards, etc or is there a resale value there I'm not seeing?

    I did search, found a thread or two on it, but I couldn't find any real value on them other then PTS saying they were great hard drives.

    So..regale me with your wisdom an let me know if this should go in my pile to ship out whole or my pile to break down.

    Thanks ahead of time an sorry to bother with such a question, but I'd like some up to date thoughts on this.

    Sirscrapalot - asking questions, taking names an kicking ass.

  2. #2
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    look em up on ebay ; )
    Last edited by Bear; 07-13-2013 at 08:53 PM.

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  4. #3
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    I would save it for resale or even personal use. It will work in any computer no problem and is actually not bad. Im still usign a 160 gig as my main os drive on both office computer and tv computer. Storage is a nas home built with 5 160's lol.

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  6. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I was just checking Fleabay and it looks like it's running about 4 no sales to 1 sale.

    180gb IDE | eBay
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  8. #5
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    5.95 is cheap as hek, although i didn't look up the shipping charge. Might look up a few local repair shops and see if they'll want em

  9. #6
    Sirscrapalot started this thread.
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    Ok..An bear I really don't deal with ebay, hence the not thinking of checking there an asking here. I don't have the patience for the twits you attract on there. lol.

    Mech thanks for doing what I shoulda, an Ozzy thank ya for letting me know they'll work with most computers an the other info. I'll give it a shot on my local CL, worse case, it goes in my box to ship out for whole drives.

    An this is why you are all awesome. When I need a question, I get my answer an a little wit!

    Sirscrapalot - Bow chicka bow bow

  10. #7
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    I was only suggesting you do what Mech did for ya, check there and see if they're sellin ; ) Local is probably best, CL you can probly ask $20 each, local repair you might get ten

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  12. #8
    Sirscrapalot started this thread.
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    Yah, just didn't think about it, as I don't use it. Silly I know. Brain far, brain sneeze..whatever you want to call it.

    It's all good, either way I should've thought of it. I still woulda asked though, cause as pointed out..nothing there! Sometimes you guys know things even ebay doesn't.

    Sirscrapalot - “I’m the master of distractions. Do a couple of hand gestures, and bam! I’ll take the underwear clean off your butt.” - Uncle Si - Duck Dynasty

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  14. #9
    pcscrapper's Avatar
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    Yah know... its like this... If You got lets say... 20 of them... Ok you can put it on butbay.. but you've to deal with possible returns and pain in da arse people.. and fee's and time to ship one or maybe two at a time.. and then you got to sit on em.. until they are sold... I would get yourself a large flat rate box... put the hdd in the box with connectors to the center of the box.. none facing toware the outside .. and ship them To PTS...

    He honest and Upfront.. Thats what I would do.. but I break all My harddrives down.. as You can see in my photo.. I just ship PTS... My rent and Beer invoice He pays For Me to drink in My warehouse..

    Thanks PTS.
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  16. #10
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Hard drives are hard matter if they come from a DVR. All you need to do to use them in a computer is to reformat the thing (it takes the little programs off of it that the DVR uses and makes it function on a PC.

    NOW that being have IDE hard drives....not worth much and probably not long before they crap out (hard drives have a shelf life based on number of hours used (they have mechanical parts that wear out). Not sure how much they are worth, but Ebay will tell you....MAKE SURE TO MARK pulled from machine, reformatted and worked at that time NO WARRANTY. If you see bad sectors come up when formatting, scrap it....about to crap out. Otherwise, sell as is with no returns or warranty listed in the ad. Rest, scrap away.

    When you start pulling from the newer DVR's, SELL those working ones like you STOLE them....worth far most than scrap.

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