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Vertical Baler/Compactor?

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  1. #1
    msearl3244 started this thread.
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    Vertical Baler/Compactor?

    i am starting to my homework on getting a used vertical baler. I was wondering if anyone had one or knew of a particular kind that is good to get. I would like one that I can bale light metal, copper wire and plastic with. Probably the kind you use a loop bander with.

    What about ideas where to find a decent used one?

    Whatever info you have or would like to share would be appreciated.
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  3. #2
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    I've heard good things about Cram A Lots. I see a few yards using them too. They run anywhere from 3 to 6k on craigslist in my area.

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  5. #3
    thortek's Avatar
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    We bought a 3 phase compactor. It's 5 hp and makes a 100# bale of plastic. We bought ours used on eBay for 200$ typically around $3k and spent $500 on a phase converter. It takes ubout the same space as a stack of pallets, and now we have a ton of plastic baled and stacked waiting for a buyer!!!
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  7. #4
    ryanw's Avatar
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    How do you keep all of the little bits from escaping from your bales?

  8. #5
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    I have worked at 2 municiple Recycling Centers and have dealt with both verticle and horizontal balers.

    The biggest things people don't look at but should with a verticle baler are...

    1) how far down does the baler crush? I recommend a full stroke as they go down further than the regular stroke. This can add up to an extra couple hundred pounds to some bales. No if lighter bales don't bother you then no reson to waste the extra $.

    2) Look at how far in the 2 end straps are located. I recently went to a recycling center that would not bale steel cans because the 2 end straps would just fall off because they were way to close to the end.

    Other things to look at are baling wire vs. strapping, motor size & phase, etc.

    By biggest suggestion is to go to different municiple recycling centers and see what they have and talk to them. You may have to drive farther but you also could pick up some business on the way. I would also check in with because they may have some used balers or some good contacts. Even if you have to join it is a good business write off and worth it to join those types of groups.

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