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Have VME System Parts. Anywhere to sell them?

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  1. #1
    BinaryBlue started this thread.
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    Have VME System Parts. Anywhere to sell them?

    I've been cleaning out my garage recently and found the following:

    1x VME Rack system with VMEP-400 Power Supply

    1x VMEP-200 Power Supply
    2x smaller VME racks


    11x VMVE 224-2
    1x MVME 335
    2x MVME 135-1
    7x Ciprico RF3515
    4x MVME141-1
    2x MVME 137SA-1
    4x MVME 712M
    MC68000 Educational Computer
    GRAF 1651
    GRAF 1653 CRT

    Is there any place I can sell them to? Not necessarily for scrap--as far as I know the boards, racks and VMEP-400 power supply are still working.

    If I list it on eBay or Craigslist, how long should it take for someone to buy it?

    There are 2 MVME 224-2 Boards listed right now on eBay for $500 and $1250. What price should I realistically charge?

    I have images, but I can't post them since I cannot post links yet.

  2. #2
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Hey BB, welcome to SMF. You'll have to just do your own math on that I'd think. Nobody can say how long it will take, because nobody can know, there are just too many variables. Best to do your own research, and make your own sales. Who knows why the one at half the price didn't sell, from a buyer with the same specs as the one who sold an identical item on the same day for twice the price. Was it the misplaced info, the misspelled word on the final pitch line, what could it been? Maybe it wasn't in the right place at the right time, or the picture wasn't as clear. Who knows why, it's something you can't learn in one little trick or tip, but only with some road knowledge will you learn to even give these questions a worthy guess, and in making guesses, I'd rather make my own anyway, wouldn't you? Good luck
    Last edited by Bear; 08-06-2013 at 11:29 PM.

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  4. #3
    parrothead's Avatar
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    I can't say it enough, it does not matter a lick at all what something is listed for on E-bay. You have to look at completed listings to get an idea of what price they may bring.
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  6. #4
    BinaryBlue started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
    I can't say it enough, it does not matter a lick at all what something is listed for on E-bay. You have to look at completed listings to get an idea of what price they may bring.
    Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find completed listings for some of the boards I have.

    For that matter I don't really have any info on at least one type.

  7. #5
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Then the best advice that I can offer is to place the item for sale at as low of a price as what covers your time, shipping and fees and let it run. Only then will you truly know what it is going to be worth.

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  9. #6
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BinaryBlue View Post
    Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find completed listings for some of the boards I have.

    For that matter I don't really have any info on at least one type.
    I find myself in similar situations because I tend to look for items to buy that are off the beaten track. While everyone is looking for computers and peripherals, I look for odd and unusual items that hold scrap value but may (emphasize "may") hold more-than-scrap value. Typically you have to do as much homework as possible and then make an educated guess on value. Sometimes it requires holding an item for awhile until someone has a need for it or finds it in a google search.

    A good example is some telecom items that I bought from a local auction. The manufacturer went out of business a long time ago, but there are still people using these items. There are little (if any) closed listings for them on eBay. I guesstimated a price where I could make a decent profit and listed them. Sales were off/on for awhile as people were buying for spares, but then I found a guy that saw these and bought them to fill a need of his and fit in his budget. It just takes a little more time and the ability to store. At some point, if no sales, you just have to bite the bullet and sell as scrap (which is what I paid for them-scrap value). Right now my ROI is about 500% and growing. I already knew that as scrap I would have doubled my investment, so it was win-win for me.

    There is no proven system for determining cost or if it will sell. However, eBay opens up a lot possibilities as it exposes your product to a huge volume of buyers, and acts as a great database for research. Good luck.

    edit: I saw your post on vintage computer, and that is a good start. There is also a company that buys VME bus equipment
    Last edited by Ecycle Atlanta; 08-07-2013 at 11:20 AM.

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  11. #7
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Usually not a good sign if you can't find any Sold Listings...Now there is a small chance you have something rare and that's why you can't find it, and you won't know unless you throw it on Ebay.
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  12. #8
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by KzScrapper View Post
    Usually not a good sign if you can't find any Sold Listings...Now there is a small chance you have something rare and that's why you can't find it, and you won't know unless you throw it on Ebay.
    That's true Kz, to a point, and it's my feeling also that simply because an item can't be found listed on ebay, that it's actually rare(rare here I suppose could depend on the beholder) If an item hasn't got prior(or regular) listings, maybe it isn't rare tho its listings are.

    anyway, hoping you'll see my point, but I also feel that you Do Not start these type item at 99 cents, because in too many cases you'll get only one bid, and sell an item for 99 cents which would easily have garnered $24.95 (as an example) had it only been listed at that starting price ; )

  13. #9
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    That's true Kz, to a point, and it's my feeling also that simply because an item can't be found listed on ebay, that it's actually rare(rare here I suppose could depend on the beholder) If an item hasn't got prior(or regular) listings, maybe it isn't rare tho its listings are.

    anyway, hoping you'll see my point, but I also feel that you Do Not start these type item at 99 cents, because in too many cases you'll get only one bid, and sell an item for 99 cents which would easily have garnered $24.95 (as an example) had it only been listed at that starting price ; )
    Also when your checking ebay, it only goes back 60 days, I haven't found a way yet to lengthen the search.
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  15. #10
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    There is a program one can use if I recall that goes back further...I won't name it here, but it's a good one an been around for quite a few years. I used to use it back when I was doing wholesale buying/selling, an running my online shop, and back when I actually had the patience to deal with eBay. If I recall it would go back as far as 2 years, or maybe it was 1, I forget. It's been a couple years since I used it.

    I loved it an found it totally worth the fee. All in one stop for market research. A wonderful addition to a online seller's toolbox.

    An before you ask, I won't name it cause..A. I don't work for them. B. Not sure I can. C. It might be posted elsewhere. D. Google is your friend, an I like to be difficult sometimes, cause I can be.

    Either way..good luck!

    Sirscrapalot - Being difficult today, cause it's just one of those days.

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