I had this big UPS transformer (APC UPS 3000 it was i think) on shelf, so i thought id share breakdown of it.
Weight is kg.
Here it is:
I took those metal E&I shape parts out 1 by 1 with scredriver. First ones were hard to get but rest came more easely. Midway through:
Heres load of metal:
And this is the goodie part. One layer was rectangular shape wire, others round.
When sell as whole:
Transformer 0,2kg+: 5,515kg*0,53€=2,9€
After breakdown:
Metal: 4,21kg*0,155€=0,65€
Copper #2: 1,155kg*4€=4,62€
Plastics+tape: 0,15kg*0€=0€
Total: 5,27€
Value increase 2,37€
## For those who want to see calculation in lbs/USD:
When sell as whole:
Transformer 0,2kg+: 12,158lb*0,32USD=3,89USD
After breakdown:
Metal: 9,28lb*0,09USD=0,83USD
Copper #2: 2,546lb*2,43USD=6,19USD
Plastics+tape: 0,33lb*0=0USD
Total: 7,02USD
Value increase 3,13USD