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Missed out

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    TheRecycleGuy started this thread.
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    Missed out

    I contacted a computer repair person on craigslist to see if I can score some of his un usable stuff.... he had just let go for free 300 towers said another guy in another state offered 5 to 10 bucks a tower but he wasn't willing to wait for him to show up in his state.. I offered 2 to 3 dollars a tower, like I read another post don't pay more than 5 per. he was bummed but wants further communication with me for maby some purchases.. I told him that's for a complete towers he said they were mostly Pentium 3 and 4 boxes...... Now I read from a buyer boardsort looks decent on prices even buys odds an ends like gold pined computer cable ends and ribbon cables CELL PHONES WITH NO BATTERIES FOR 5 BUCKS A POUND? AND WITH BATTERY 3 BUCKS A POUND? DOES THAT SOUND RIGHT? wonder if those cheap go phones and govt phones fit in that category lol. anyhow this is like the 3rd big load I just missed, another guy got rid of a 4x8 inclosed trailer full of towers an monitors for free.. boo hoo.. need to step up the game and catch em before there all gone.

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