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Breaking down a Data Center

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  1. #1
    Mechanic688 started this thread.
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    Breaking down a Data Center

    My buddy (used to be my partner) called the other day and the lumber co. he works for was upgrading their
    computer system. I ended hauling off 4 Data Centers and 3 17" monitors plus some misc metal racking.
    I took two of the Data Centers apart and took a few pic's. They look to be 14-15" all in one's with a small data terminal (?) built in. Never did find a brand name on them. Maybe Data General.

    You have to pull the extra plastic off to get to the boards inside.

    This data board slides out after taking off the plastic panel holding it. Notice the gold plug-in? The mate to it is on the power board.

    Here is a close-up of the data board removed earlier.

    Here is the power supply board still setting in the shell.It's just setting on a couple of plastic pins.

    Here's the power supply board removed.

    This is all that's inside, power supply board, data board and small yoke.

    If you noticed, there is no degaussing cable or tinned "silver" wire inside.
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  3. #2
    parrothead's Avatar
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    That data board looks pretty nice.
    "64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981

  4. #3
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    I just got one of these today was wondering how the heck to open them up. Looks like you get a decent board so what grade would those be I wonder.

  5. #4
    Mechanic688 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by IAscrapper View Post
    I just got one of these today was wondering how the heck to open them up. Looks like you get a decent board so what grade would those be I wonder.
    I started by pulling off the front trim, unscrewing the tube and removing. Pop off the rectangular back panel and the good board is attached to it. The bottom stand will pop off with some persuasion. There is one screw towards the back on the bottom side. The tube comes out thru the front after cutting the wiring and removing the plug-in socket. Then the power board just lifts off of the pins it sets on.

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