Recently found over 100 lbs. of circuit boards, all are from the 70's & 80's, all are from medical testing equipment. All are plug in type circuit boards with gold fingers on both sides. These boards for the most part have socketed componets. So far I have pulled 15 ounces of gold legged transistors and 1/4 lb. gold legged - gold capped eproms/IC chipps. None of these are soldered in, they are socketed. I will get some pictures up when I can (really busy installing landscapes). Any idea about value of chips and transistors? These boards also have RF connectors that I'm sure are gold, so far I have removed about a pound of these RF connectors, only the ones I can unscrew by hand, the mounting bases are sodered to boards. There are more than 60 large circuit boards (12" x 16") and 100+ smaller boards (6.5" x 9") all with gold fingers and gold mounting sockets. I have never sold
ewaste, so I need to pick a buyer. Sorry for jumping on this thread, but you guys are talking about gold legged transistors and I have a lot of them!