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Renting A Storage Unit For Ewaste - Page 2

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  1. #21
    Jeremiah started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrapYaHerd View Post
    I get about 1000lbs of scrap steel a week as a bi-product from ewaste don't give that away sell it and that will pay for a storage unit.
    I agree with you. I come from a hard-working family and it kills me to give away money but the money I would make from steel is simply not profitable to load/transfer from my current location given my time constraints.

    This is why I think a storage unit would make sense. I could rent one a couple miles from a scrap yard, park my landscape trailer in the storage unit and fill it up with steel as I part out computers. When full, a quick 10 minute trip would equal $100.

    Some posters above made some great points about finding large building for reasonably cheap. This is a great idea. My only worry is theft.

    Another idea came to me when contemplating this rental. A printer tech who works for my friends IT company is in need of additional space to work out of. I told my friend, the owner, to rent him a storage unit right beside mine. This way he could easily buy parts off of me as well as refurbish printers for resell that we could split. We’ll see how all this goes. Thanks for the input everyone.

  2. #22
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Well you can always lease the larger building and sublet space to say the printer guy or some other value added stop shop and if the printer or computer is dead then they can sell it or donate it right there. And don't forget...plenty of other options to sublet space out.

  3. #23
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    You can also set up cameras, etc. For peace of mind in regards to theft, etc.

    I know the space I'm looking at I won't be sharing it with anyone, nobody but me will have a key. God help the poor S.O.B who tries to break into any space I get. I tend to keep odd hours, an make sure I'm secure. Cameras, dogs, an more.

    Good luck whichever way you end up going, an let us know what you decide!

    Sirscrapalot - All you need for happiness is a good gun, a good horse, and a good wife. - Daniel Boone ( I'm sure he meant a dog..instead of a horse..haha! )

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  5. #24
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    This forum is great for my research. Nice topic. Thanks for sharing!

  6. #25
    LadybugFarm97's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Parrot, how about something in your budget??

    Shop ShelterLogic 10 x 20 Vehicle Storage Shelter at
    I actually work out of one of these. Works fine in summer. Mine is under some big trees for shade and a fan keeps it comfortably cool. Winter is a bit harder to stay warm. Not much ventilation with doors down so I use an electric heater. Overall it works well and is a lot cheaper than a rental unit, but thats just my opinion.

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