Thanks for the warm welcome. I didn't think that I would have much to offer here on SMF. After all I've read here I'm left with very few questions. But today I came across an issue that I have yet to read about.
Today I made my rounds to my favorite thrift stores. 2 cell phones, 2 printers, 1 Dell Optiplex tower ( $9.00 U.S ) was the take and I headed home. I plugged in the tower to warm it up and I guess it got warm alright! A ROACH came running out of the floppy drive slot.

. To make a long story short it now sits outside in the pouring rain after I sprayed a whole can of bug kill'em in it.I guess we will forget
Ebay this time. Justa friendly reminder, Be careful what you bring into your home! You may not be getting a good deal after all.