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Looking for a scrap plastic buyer

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    Lroyscrap started this thread.
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    Looking for a scrap plastic buyer

    Hey guys

    I'm a scrapper out of northern minnesota (Duluth area)
    Recently expanded to e waste as well as steel. I gave heard rumors of guys selling their sorted plastic but have not had any luck finding a buyer in my area. Does anyone know of a buyer in this are maybe even in wisconsin I chip all my plastic and can haul a lot in a 32 foot trailer. Any help would be appreciated even if it's just a rumor of a center like this opening up in the area (I have a feeling plastic and rubber may take off like steel did)
    Thanks LROY

  2. #2
    Primo's Avatar
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    How much can you accumulate in say a month?

    I know few brokers who may know someone near you.

    Worth a shot.

    Also, make sure you introduce yourself in the "Introduce Yourself" section.

    People get kinda uptight if you don't.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lroyscrap View Post
    Hey guys

    I'm a scrapper out of northern minnesota (Duluth area)
    Recently expanded to e waste as well as steel. I gave heard rumors of guys selling their sorted plastic but have not had any luck finding a buyer in my area. Does anyone know of a buyer in this are maybe even in wisconsin I chip all my plastic and can haul a lot in a 32 foot trailer. Any help would be appreciated even if it's just a rumor of a center like this opening up in the area (I have a feeling plastic and rubber may take off like steel did)
    Thanks LROY
    Have not been able to find a plastic recycler in the area. By the way Have you looked into the state regulations regarding E- waste in the state of Minnnesota?

  4. #4
    Lroyscrap started this thread.
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    No I haven't I will be sure to introduce myself as soon as I figure out the forum a little more I'm not so good with computers as far as what I accumulate a month can vary I was planning in doing it the same as steel( collect all year and sell in the spring) but if I had to estimate I would say I probably accumulate several tons a year based on what I have and what I am getting

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  6. #5
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Has anyone tried these guys???

    Plastic Recycling: How it works
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

  7. #6
    Primo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NHscrapman View Post
    Has anyone tried these guys???

    Plastic Recycling: How it works
    As far as plastics go, it's pretty much worthless unless you have a full truck load (ie. semi trailer load, sorted, white/colors, loose in boxes) or a sea container load (sorted, white/colors, baled).

    Even then, it needs to be a container load of all one color unless you find someone who will do a mixed load.

    Near me is a recycler that will take it at $ .03 (colored, loose) to $ .04 (white loose).

    As much as I generate, that's a rip (though they will bale it for $ .03 and I can then sell it to whoever).

    If you're only getting a couple of gaylords a month something like that may be OK.

    You can get rid of it and recoup the gas money at least.

  8. #7
    Lroyscrap started this thread.
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    Really wow that's really shocking I was reading sorted and colored HIPS plastic was going for like.26 but maybe I need to reconsider my source I have spent hours sorting HIPS ABS ect ect and then sorting it by color but for .03 a pound I think I wasted my time

  9. #8
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    all depends on the type of plastic you have....water bottles for instance ARE far more valuable than say mixed or ABS. There are quite a few types of plastic scrap and sorts ALWAYS pays better. But yes, you DO have to generate a FAIR amount for it to be worthwhile (ie profitable)....I am still working towards that goal.

  10. #9
    Lroyscrap started this thread.
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    Well I guess I'll keep sorting and saving and keep lookin for a buyer there's a place locally that makes a business scrapping electronics and they do sell their plastic but won't disclose their buyer so I know there is a market around here I just can't find it

  11. #10
    sawmilleng's Avatar
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    If you want to know where they are shipping it, just talk to the driver when you see them loading. He'll tell you where he's heading. I had some pinhead manager do the same to me. The drivers are happy to talk.


  12. #11
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Yea, them drivers are paid to deliver. Not paid to keep the shippers secret. Heh.

    Good luck!


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