Reading this i feel the need to chime in to the OP im going to paint you a picture when it comes to buying
ewaste from the public at least in my experience vs free removal
My adds usually state "why pay (insert company name) haul your stuff to the landfill when i will come to your door or location of choice and remove free of charge"
responses to this ad are usually quite plentiful and it makes people feel like they are getting a good deal ('i dont have to do the work to get rid of it and they dont even charge me" I often get asked how i make any money doing it like this

the few times i tested posts offering to pay "iso your unwanted and broken computers (up to 5 for towers and up to 10 for laptops) it caused some problems imo.
Problem #1 when you offer to haul somethign off for free you are instilling in the person that it does not have much of a value and the work verse profit is no anythign they want to get into. By offering to buy it you have informed them that there is a value to it and it will turn Joe Schmoe down the street into your competition!
Problem #2 at the very least everyone will feel that their item is worth your maximum price
Problem #3 Most people become greedy quite fast so you are offering up to 5 or 10 and even when you offer your max price they expect to get more because they "know" you must be making a good amount of money on it and they feel they are entitled to most of if not all the profit the item can produce
Problem #4 because of problem #3 you will end up declining several deals offered to you which will in turn give people a bad taste and they will tell their friend "good for nothing would not pay me for my stuff like they said they would"
that was the long so here is the short
offering discounted or free disposal will make it look like you are doing them a favor and in my case has gotten me more stuff "hey while your hear what would you charge to take XXXXXXXXX away to". But once you confirm there is a value you may end up losing out on alot of stuff Its better to offer free removal and then pay them a lil bit after the fact this will get you a great referance "hey ya know that guy that came offers free disposal well he came by and picked up all the stuff and even gave me a few bucks for some of it
And yes being personable is the best i have several repeat customers because i am polite i actually had one seek me out on facebook asking where was the "nice guy that takes time to talk to you went i have a working dryer and 2 working ac's i want him to haul off"