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Tip for a budding E waste entepreneur, Patience.

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  1. #1
    Ironhunter started this thread.
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    Tip for a budding E waste entepreneur, Patience.

    I have seen this question alot and thought I would share my own experience from when I started to recycled e waste. I thought I would put the word out and people would flood me with their old computers hanging out in grandma's closet. I was very disappointed in my collection efforts the first 6 months, it was pathetic to say the least, my rural area is not big enough to use CL effectively if at all, the drive would have ate up most profits. I personally have never been an e-bayer, so I keep my operation small and local (which works for me as I do it for extra spending money and time with my son who loves to help me) So basically I kept letting people know I was there if they had anything to get rid of and after a while a magical thing happened, the word got out.. I got a laptop here a desktop there as people talked to each other (especially during this time of year) they would say, hey, I know a guy who takes that kind of stuff, I now have a modest stream of computers and other things (satellite boxes, ect) coming in just on word of mouth. Of course it helps if you are somewhat of a people person just get your message out there and be patient, it takes a while for word to spread. Good luck and keep your chin up. Have a great day.

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  3. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Yep, it's not going to happen overnite.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  4. #3
    Rollyrogers33's Avatar
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    No kidding! Told all my friends that I started a recycling company for ewaste and other electronics. In eight months only one CPU. Everything else has been tv's, DVD and VCR players, old stereo, a ton of coffee makers and a piano. I am holding on for that first huge load of whatever.
    Last edited by Rollyrogers33; 12-15-2013 at 05:32 PM.

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  6. #4
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    It'll come. Some times you gotta dig through a lotta crap to find some gold. Especially in our chosen

    I started with TV's, vcrs, etc etc..basically the stuff everyone claims there is no money in. Now I mainly do ewaste, have my shop downstairs filled, and looking to expand into warehouse space, an I'm loving it. It came with many stumbles, an mistakes, but thanks to the folks here, an my own stubbornness in refusing to give up, I'm doing what I enjoy, making money an life is good.

    You can't give up, that's for sure. Like Olddude an others like to say...this isn't a easy business to be in. It's cut throat at times, and it's always hard work. Whether your sitting around breaking down motors, or disassembling computer towers, sat boxes, etc etc. It's long hours, in all kinds of weather(some of us work outside & inside) an putting up with lots of BS from laws, to the government, etc. Whether you sell on ebay, amazon, CL, or just to buyers, it's yet more hours on top of your day putting up ads, setting up auctions, sorting your stuff so your buyer doesn't want to smack you upside the head, an getting those packages out. At the end of the day tho, it's rewarding to know you made it through all that, profited, an you still enjoy what your doing.

    It's all worth while when you fire up your paypal or bank account, see those funds come in. Or you end your day, an can't wait to get started on the next day.

    So patience is needed, along with a good dose of stubborn, hardheadedness, ability to learn and adapt. If you can manage those things, you got a good chance to succeed in this business. That's just my own not so humble opinion. Others may disagree but it's worked for me, an I see it continuing to do so.

    In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. - Bill Cosby

    I have that on a printed out poster in my shop, for a reason, an as a reminder. Nothing in life comes easy, an if it does there is usually some big ol'strings attached.

    Sirscrapalot - Fear of failure and a lack of patience and will get you nowhere. - Me, someone, I dunno.

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