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Whole bunch of office phones. No way to test....

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  1. #1
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    Whole bunch of office phones. No way to test....

    So in this lot of telecom scrap I got the other day, came boxes of new and older office phones, and on eBay lots of 10+ sell for hundreds of dollars. Tried hookin them up to my home phone line but I almost knew from the start that they wouldn't work on that... Are there any other ways to test them? The ones at our shop that look like these ones are only run off a residential line... Tried google and couldn't find much of anything... Any ideas?

    Selling as untested would yield much less I'm sure and would love to say they work.
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
    Barrie, Ontario.

  2. #2
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    you should be able to get a user's manual from the manufacturer website

    I had some older ones like the ones in your pictures which worked as an analog telephone(no power required) but also had lots of functions such as saved numbers, speed dial, etc which only worked when the power supply was plugged it. Are you sure you've used the right plug? Some are two lines, some are only one line, with two plugs, for transiting the line through to a fax
    Last edited by Bear; 12-28-2013 at 08:31 PM.

  3. #3
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    you should be able to get a user's manual from the manufacturer website

    I had some older ones like the ones in your pictures which worked as an analog telephone(no power required) but also had lots of functions such as saved numbers, speed dial, etc which only worked when the power supply was plugged it. Are you sure you've used the right plug? Some are two lines, some are only one line, with two plugs, for transiting the line through to a fax
    Users manuals don't provide much info on hooking them up. These only have two jacks. One for a handset and one for a line in. No power supplies came with them nor do they have a plug for a power cord. They are Samsung iDSC 28D and 8D.

    The ones at work will work without the power cord as well.

  4. #4
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    the user manual should tell you everything you need to know about hooking them up

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    jord0690 started this thread.
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    Its really vague with set up instructions. Basically says plug and go, the rest of the manual is to help figure out the 354546474848 different features LOL im doin everything it's sayin, but Still no worky. I'll giver another read in the AM.

  6. #6
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    I've installed some Samsung, Toshiba, Nortel and a lot of NEC phone systems. There are two types of phones that will work with these systems. Digital and analog. An analog phone can be plugged into a phone jack at your house and should work. If the phone is not working then it's probably a digital phone. A digital phone has to connect to a KSU or a main control box like the Strata cabinet you have. I think that was pic 16 in your Motherload thread. The KSU's have card slots that will hold the circuit boards. There will be different types of boards that will connect to your digital and analog phones and also your analog trunks plus there will be a main control board or CPU. Most new systems only require 2 wires to operate the phones but some of the older systems like you have require 4 and 6 wire connections from the phone jack back to the KSU. From the pics I viewed in your other thread I'm not sure if you have enough of the right parts to put together a complete phone system. If you can find one I would start by trying to download an installation and programming manual. They will show how to make all of the necessary connection and also how to program it.

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  8. #7
    Jeremiah's Avatar
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    Take your time with business phones. There is great money in them. I recently sold a lot of 14 for 34.99 each. They are normally easy to test. Try to youtube the model number for visual instructions

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  10. #8
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    jord, those business phones have to be connected to the appropriate system to function. They are not meant to work as a "stand alone" phone by plugging into your wall line. I had about 300 phones earlier this year. Some where the old 2 line business and many were VOIP (Voice over IP) systems. I spent a lot of time researching and came out pretty well. Some where sold on fleecebay, some were stripped for scrap, after I had a gentlemen I found through LinkedIn, came from out of town and buy a large lot of them.

    Did I make top dollar on every one? NO! But I did make way more than if I would have just torn them all apart. I do not have the time to test every thing that comes in the door. I work on a lot of computers. Phones are not what I am setup to work on, test, or lose a lot of space over, for very long.

    Do a google search using terms like ... we buy used business phones and refine it to your area, region. See if that turns up anything for you. Good Luck!!

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  12. #9
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    Testing business phones

    Quote Originally Posted by jord0690 View Post
    Users manuals don't provide much info on hooking them up. These only have two jacks. One for a handset and one for a line in. No power supplies came with them nor do they have a plug for a power cord. They are Samsung iDSC 28D and 8D.

    The ones at work will work without the power cord as well.
    You will need an 25-Pair amphenol Cable.
    25 Pair Telephone Cable | eBay
    And a Harmonica [ or cable, punch down block going to a panel with phone plugs] to test them.
    12 Position RJ14 Harmonica W/ Female Amphenol |

    Then you should be able to plug two phones in and intercom back and forth to test them.

    If anyone is local to me in Maine I can help test a lot of business phones. I have a lot of systems set up for testing. I also have a ring generator with internal CO line so I can make calls from one system to another to test CO ports in control units.

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  14. #10
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    There is at least one buyer for used telecom equipment in the buyer's section. Maybe they can help with the testing or make and offer to buy.

  15. #11
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    Wow guys, great info here. Thank you all. Looks like Im just going to sell untested. As much as id like to, I don't have the time or equipment to test the stuff.

  16. #12
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    I learned this as scrap got tighter and margins smaller. I started to test items and resell. Now Im making more profit margin on items that Its crazy. I cant sleep at nite. Not because I need to pay bills or stress. Im lying I am stressed about capital because there is more out there to buy than $$$$.

    At night Im trying to think what am I scrapping at top dollar that I can get like 1000 percent more. Telecom, electronics and many items in these fields are wanted. Some by collectors others because its a current technology in use. Watch out as soon as something better comes along boom. You stuck with it to scrap. But hey you bought it as scrap. Sell and make your margin.

    The business we are in is amazing. But dont listen to the guys who say all the good stuff is gone. yEs towers and lap tops are drying up. Cell phones and tabs will be the next thing. Along with servers. New tech is small and everywhere. Just wait 5 years until the iphone is so awesome the ones we have now are being scrapped. You think the memory in there and ssd you cant harvest and sell. Think again. As recyclers we tend to dislike change. Hell I hate setting up a whole business plan and having to change it after a few years. Keep ahead and dream. Where do you think the 1000 million iphones will be recycled. You think one huge company will take all of them. Who knows may happen. Or maybe we will all be smiling because you made your dream happen. Wow I lost my point here. I started thinking who will is buying solid state drives and memory from cell phones. In the coming years they will be the ones cleaning house.

    Phones I was giving to guy I like who would break down and recycle plastic and sell back what he could to me. Thats another idea. There is always someone who is smarter than you and needs work. Give them a bone. What you give away comes back in return plus her sisters. Lol.

    Aaron Stillwater Recycling. Leominster MA

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  18. #13
    Jacvip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremiah View Post
    Take your time with business phones. There is great money in them. I recently sold a lot of 14 for 34.99 each. They are normally easy to test. Try to youtube the model number for visual instructions
    Thanks for the advice! I have 4 gaylord boxes, full to the top, of Lucent/Avaya analog phones that I'm getting ready to move.

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