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Potential whale to start off 2014.

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    jord0690 started this thread.
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    Potential whale to start off 2014.

    So I got an email last night at about 130am from a guy who is closing his comp store. He has a shop full of workng and also scrap computers and he told me he NEEDS it gone fast.


    I told him im definately interested and also made it clear that my prices are scrap prices. Going there this weekend to work out some sort of deal. Will keep you guys updated. Hopefully we can work something out for the lot. Never bought working stuff before but feel confident in my knowledge on the stuff. Thanks to SMF!

    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
    Barrie, Ontario.

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    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    good luck with it jord

  4. #3
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    Yes, good luck. You know what you can get for the scrap stuff, so it's best to take an inventory and work it out for yourself before talking pricing. When you get a total, then you can negotiate for the whole thing. That usually works out better than trying to price individual items and counting them up. You never know, he may just want you to haul it off for free.

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    BroJer's Avatar
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    yea yea yea...what they said! Good Luck!

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    parrothead's Avatar
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    Keep us updated.
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  9. #6
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    Ok, so I drove down to see this guy today. Was hoping for a nice pick up.... but He was not letting a single thing leave that store for free. Didnt expect him to.

    I got probably 50-80 laptops, some complete and others in parts, he wanted over $100 for all of it. Story was his mover offered him over 100 bucks for all of them. Ya, sure he did. I nearly walked out empty handed but managed to snag them all for $80.

    Just proves he lied about his mover offering him over $100. His mover was there today and was constantly coming and going, so why accept my 80 bucks and not his 100? Cause the whole story was BS. I didnt fall for it. Not for a second. Wasnt gettin good vibes with this whole deal from the start... especially after every question I asked, he looked at his partner and spoke to him in arabic. Hate when people do that... and cant stand when people try to scam you like that...

    Hope I didnt over pay but we will see. Was no smokin deal by any means. If they where all complete id say heck yeah but alot where not. He also had some older desktops that he wanted $15 for. Not a chance. Also had some newer LCD screens. Offered $15 each, no dice. He wanted 40. Goin for 50 online. He knew I only bought scrap, I made that very clear, but kept pressuring me to buy his newer stuff, and kept complaining about my pricing. Didnt like this guy or his partner at all. No wonder they went out of business...

    Anyways, I Will get a final count and weight and let you all know how I did.

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    and pictures!

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  12. #8
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    and pictures!

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    They are mostly all still in the van, I'll grab a pic of that. On the plus side, I got 2 pretty sweet rubbermade bins with the deal!!

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  14. #9
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    I have found that some people from other parts of world consider this as a tactic and I am not surprised by it any more. I think you did well and don't be surprised if you get contacted by them again for more stuff. Again my experience tells me many of those who grew up in other countries only respect those who are tough negotiators(notice how our foreign policy has not been respected). By the way I served 20 years in the US Marines and have had many occasions to deal with folks from many different parts of the world(in a peaceful way).

    You have followed on of my personal goals in business "profit begins when you buy not when you sell". Keep at it, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  16. #10
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    I have found that some people from other parts of world consider this as a tactic and I am not surprised by it any more. I think you did well and don't be surprised if you get contacted by them again for more stuff. Again my experience tells me many of those who grew up in other countries only respect those who are tough negotiators(notice how our foreign policy has not been respected). By the way I served 20 years in the US Marines and have had many occasions to deal with folks from many different parts of the world(in a peaceful way).

    You have followed on of my personal goals in business "profit begins when you buy not when you sell". Keep at it, Mike.
    In some countries, or parts of countries, you are pretty much considered and idiot if you take the first offer

  17. #11
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    I dont want anyone to take offence by my comments, I dont mind who the people are or what nationality they are and am happy to deal with anyone from anywhere, but I just find it a little disrespectful talking to a partner in a different language when im infront of them. I can agree with it being a tactic, maybe trying to throw me off, but I wasnt going to let it work.

    Either way, in the end im a little bit glad it happened this way. never experianced a hard bargainer with e waste, I know they are out there, and its hard to prepare yourself for it just by reading. Only way to truly learn how to deal with them is to jump on in and stick to your guns. For anyone else just starting, dont be afrade to walk away. I spent $25 in gas getting there. I would have rather marked a $25 loss rather than spending $100+ on material and marking up a $50 loss. Usually when you start to walk away, they call you back over and take your offer. Thats how it went with me.

    Stick to your guns. dont let anyone intimidate you. Show confidence and dont be afrade to walk away.

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  19. #12
    directrecycle's Avatar
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    Potential whale to start off 2014.

    you should make out good with the laptops if you do anything with ebay. good screens go for $15-$40, batteries for $5-$20, access doors/covers for $1-$5 and of course anything fairly new just post for parts

  20. #13
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by directrecycle View Post
    you should make out good with the laptops if you do anything with ebay. good screens go for $15-$40, batteries for $5-$20, access doors/covers for $1-$5 and of course anything fairly new just post for parts
    Its all kinda old. Newest one iv seen was one with a vista OS. I dont mind ebay, just started using it, but I dont know how to test the screens or batteries, or anything else for that matter. Iv heard horror stories about ebay and people wanting money back/returns on working parts, claiming they dont work.

  21. #14
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    Oh ya heres a pic. Theres another blue tote just as full. If not more full lol. As well as about 8 more complete ones I took in last night.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

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  23. #15
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    Vista machines are still in use and in demand. Or find someone who will buy for more than you paid and more than shred. It depends on how much you want to make vs how much time you are willing to put in. I have been selling some parts for a while and I can tell you it can be time consuming just learning how to ensure you are selling good parts.

    I agree it is rude that they would converse in another language in front of you but again I find this normal for many. I am not offended in anyway in your comments. Mike

  24. #16
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    How difficult is it to park your van like that???? Mike.

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  26. #17
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    How difficult is it to park your van like that???? Mike.
    Was a little tough thismorning with a surprise half foot of snow. Lol the vans a piece of cake after driving the quad cab long box dodge for 3 years ahah I could zip that beast into the smallest spots. People would comment all the time. I also have experiance running our flatbed tow truck at work. Just friday i had to grab a car from the back of the lot, squeezed the rig between 2 deadhead cars with MAYBE 10 inches on either side. And im being generous when I say 10. Im not good at many things, but scrap and driving are two things I feel confident saying im really good at.

  27. #18
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I think he meant on it's side, cause of the pic. lol.

    Convert to the minivan side of the force Jord! An thanks for the pic! Good score!

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  29. #19
    jord0690 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    I think he meant on it's side, cause of the pic. lol.

    Convert to the minivan side of the force Jord! An thanks for the pic! Good score!

    Sirscrapalot - If Mars had earthquakes would they be called marsquakes?
    LOL oh. I didnt even realize the pic was on its side hahah. The SMF app will not allow me to see the pic once posted. I can click the attachment but it just loads forever and ever. Never shows it.

    Im only using the man van till I can afford a truck agan! Its actually not too bad. But im still a truck man. Saving till spring to buy a newer, more reliable truck.

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  31. #20
    TheDude80 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Nice score Jord

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