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Electronic Recycling From Hawaii

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    jfield808 started this thread.
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    Electronic Recycling From Hawaii

    Hello all,

    I pulled apart a few old computers, iMac, Thinkpad and older generation iMac and I have a good bit of circuit boards, copper, and aluminum. I saw the mainstream websites (cashforelectronicscrapusa) and all I would have to do is print a fedex label and ship it and they will pay me. I found this site though and saw that other buyers say they will pay more than those kind of sites. I was wondering if these buyers send prepaid labels and then pay me for the additional amount, more than cashforelectronicsscrapusa, even for someone from Hawaii.

    Alternatively, how would you all suggest recycling my approximately 15-20 pounds of electronic scrap in Hawaii.

    Let me know!


  2. #2
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    First off, don't use that company you named, unless you want a very small check. Lots of folks had bad experiences with them, here an elsewhere.

    Second, head over to the buyer's section an locate you a buyer! I'm not plugging a buyer, but I wanted to will see a buyer there whose company goes by CashforcomputerScrap, or CFCS. They are legit. If your interested in CFCS you'll find them at the top of the buyer's page. We have a bunch of buyers on here, so feel free to peruse their threads, an pick whichever is going to take care of you best.

    Oh an shipping from HI you might want to get a bit more weight, to help off set the shipping costs.

    Good luck an let us know how it works out for ya, oh an welcome to the forums!

    Sirscrapalot - Keeper of the traveling cooler

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  4. #3
    BroJer's Avatar
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    Welcome from O HI O! yea yea yea what Sirscrapalot said!!! If you do a further Google search, and add BBB after a space, to the company you mentioned, you can see what the ratio of positive/negative reports they have. The buyers here have pretty high standards, a LOT of accountability by the members of this forum. There are many buyers for many different materials. So, like whats his Scrapface (HA) said, search the buyers threads, look at the feedback they have and you will find the right fit for your needs.

    Read, read, READ, then READ SUM MO, and become familiar with the forum. I have spent hundreds of hours reading, over the last few years, and made thousands more as a direct result!

    Good luck and we look forward to getting to know more about you! BroJer

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  6. #4
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Welcome and you have gotten some of the very best advise possible. I believe you will need to learn to rely on USPS flat rate boxes for shipping. Shipping to/from Hawaii to be the biggest obstacle to over come. You will need to get a few of each type box and spend some time studying the USPS website to determine which box will work best for you. I would think that using the large flat rate box fill with motherboards and fill in with smaller items. You will want to add some reinforcing tape to ensure safe delivery. Much has been written about shipping on the forum and you may want to take the time to include this subject in your studies here on the forum.

    I was stationed in Hawaii 78-82, 84-89 for a total of about 9 1/2 years, great times for me and the family. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  8. #5
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Being in Hawaii, you may be best suited to waiting until you get a large quantity such as a gaylord filled and ship freight. Much less per pound for shipping. Start hitting up all of your computer shops and such to start getting a stream of material coming in, and you will get that much in no time. Assuming that you have the space for it.
    "64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981

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