So as we are no longer allowed to simply chuck electronics out with the trash in these parts, TV's are seemingly hard to get rid of. I have been scrappping for a solid four years, but stayed away from the TV's because of the glass. After spending more time on this forum than actual scrapping one day, I decided to give it a shot. Right now, I am stockpiling, have yet to turn anything in. Here's what I have discovered;
1) The biggest enjoyment from scrapping for me comes from the frequent use of hammers, prybars, baseball bats, sawzalls, and grinders. Not much of that in
2) There are a billion tiny little screws that end up stuck in the sole of my boots, which I then track into the house.
3) I have just started, and have no real connections for large quantities of scrap computers,etc.
4) It is really neat to see all the tiny bits and pieces that are inside of these things.
5) I feel as though if I could bring in large quantities, I could be doing the nearby neighborhoods a service.
6) Best Buy is out of my way, but will take up to three CRT's a day, under 36".
7) I still have no clue what I am looking at when it comes to grading boards, or how far I need to strip them down, despite all the best efforts of the members of this here forum. Maybe when I get a good pile, I will dig deeper.
8) There is alot of plastic to dispose of, which I can only put in my trash.
9) I finally found a use for that "Precision Screwdriver Kit" in my toolbox.
10) I need to do alot more research, contact a buyer, and see what he/she wants in scrap.
-I am going off the assumption that all boards with one green and one brown side are low grade, and all with both sides green are mid grade, though I am sure I am wrong. At least that is how I have been separating them.
-I strip these items, down, but do not strip anything off the boards. ANYTHING.
-I did see at one point, someone actually paid for the connectors off ribbon cables, but what to do with the actual cables?
-This is alot of fun for me, and takes up a wee bit less room than scrapping dryers, washers, and bicycles...
-Printers have ALOT of plastic on them, is there anything of worth?
-The Ol' Dog hates that I spend so much time in the basement, instead of doing things she would like to do...Gotta go!