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Electronic scrap

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    gary started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Electronic scrap

    I just tore down an old computer and a couople of vcrs.I have a couple of questions.

    What should be left on and what should be removed from a mother board and still be able to sell the board?
    Should the plastic be removed from solder covered copper wires?
    Should hard drive be broken down or sold as is?
    Should drivers be broken down?
    Are the smaller boards of any value.
    Are vcr boards of ant value?

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Nov 2010
    Thanked 69 Times in 36 Posts
    VCR boards are not worth mixed metal at my scrap yard. Basically, they are worth little. As for Computers, I just wrote about scrapping these these.

    As for hard drives, it depends on the yard. All of the yards near me will pay at least 50¢ per pound for them AS IS. I like to take them apart (when I have a little extra time).

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