So I'm between jobs at the moment. I start my new position in 2 weeks and I've been looking for a project to fill that time. My dad is running Thortekrecycling In Ohio since I moved to Miami 2 years ago, and man do I miss scrapping!
So I saw an ad for a computer shop closing, and the owner is filling a truck with free stuff. I decided to see if there was anything left in the truck, there wasn't.
I went in, and man this place has been around fr a long time......I chatted up the owner and made him an offer. I'd come in and help him sort through stacks and shelves. Anything he can retail/wholesale I told him he should, but any of the other scrap items I offered to box, recycle and split the proceeds.
He seemed interested. Took my name and number down. Said he'd give me a call.
I forgot to give him the link to the thortekrecycling website so he realizes I do indeed know what I'm we shall see!
My fingers are crossed!