To add to what's been already said, your answer is a most likely capitol Yes. If it is telecom equipment, those boards pay more than even the best of motherboard prices. And, to reiterate what mike already said, read the electronics threads a lot until you know what to scrap and what might have better resale value elsewhere. To each his own, but to me, scrap is the final option. Sometimes you can do far better(of course with a little more patience and effort) by selling some things to a secondary market. There is an extremely good example of this just recently, a guy was going to strip an old keyboard but couldn't find his driver, and in the meanwhile googled it and found a current thread with info. So instead of scrapping it(for a ten cent strip of mylar, which that board didn't have anyway) he decided to list it on
Ebay. Ten days later his auction closed at well over a thousand dollars ; )
Welcome to SMF man, and good luck