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is it worth it

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    maxa started this thread.
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    is it worth it

    Hey looking for a little bit of advice here. I and a rookie when it comes to e-scrap but i am starting to learn. I have a opportunity to buy a bunch of e scrap for 175 or so but its and hour away from me. I would think i could talk him down abit. I what you guys option weather this would be work it. Here the link to the scrap. Thanks again e-scrappers

  2. #2
    lousypirate's Avatar
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    for scrap, probably not. If there are some things to resell (like to PTS in the buyers), it could easily be worth it.

    I'd ask if there are hard drives in the servers, and if there are any specs on the desktops. or just make the trip and look for yourself.

    the power supplies from servers are valuable to RC hobbyists for powering their batter chargers too.

  3. #3
    ryanw's Avatar
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    Hour away - maybe if it was free. Even then probably not.

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  5. #4
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    for one, you've just advertised it for them on a very popular scrap site, for another, try to recall it's an hour and a half away and on craigslist, where almost anything can happen
    I kinda like that old blue and white back there tho ; )

  6. #5
    Mick's Avatar
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    Now that it's on here, I certainly wouldn't go after it. It's likely gone already. If you notice, people usually don't give out any particulars about potential finds until AFTER they've got it. Considering there are several hundred lurkers on this site at any given time, there'll be at least one or two in the area you're talking about.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  8. #6
    Goatrutar's Avatar
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    Like ryanw said maybeif the load were free. Definitely not worth $175 as scrap. I'll pay 30 cents a kilo for completetowers and servers. I don't pay for any monitors or printers. I'll pay $1-2 each for large photocopiers and dump them at the yard as light gauge.

  9. #7
    JunkLady's Avatar
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    is it worth it

    Id say it is only worth it if you intend to fix up the 5 computers and sell for $100. But i too didn't think about not posting the actual location of a deal until i buy it....IM learning from your post right now
    "If it makes dollars, then it makes sense!"

  10. #8
    VoodooDaddy's Avatar
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    is it worth it

    Whenever I see a free scrap ad on craigslist with the address, I wont bother because the few times I tried to get to it, it was gone already. I realize this isn't a free lot, but if it's that far away, chances are someone closer has been there, talked seller down, collected, and the seller is too lazy to remove the post...

  11. #9
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    Not worth $175 as scrap.
    Here is what I would pay: 12 desktops (if complete) $4 ea = $48, 3 servers (depending on size or completeness, let's guess) $8 each = $24, 3 laptops $2 each = $6.
    That would be $78 total. The printers, monitors, keyboards would be picked up for free. I might pay extra if there were some more valuable parts like a box of motherboards or RAM.

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  13. #10
    ravermagik's Avatar
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    hi family... ok I am a COMPLETE scrap newbie.. although I have been in the pc business for 17 years. So the question I have about this thread.. Is HOW do you know what to pay? (if your going to pay) I mean is there a sheet that the local yard has prices for? How do you how much profit you are going to make with the lot your going to get? I understand the veterans just know cause they been doing it awhile and like my business I know how much my parts go for if I have to fix one I don't have to look up prices. But on scrapping if you pay 4 dollar per desktop how do you know you will make that or more back? So is their guidelines I should start with starting out?

    Thanks for reading

  14. #11
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravermagik View Post
    hi family... ok I am a COMPLETE scrap newbie.. although I have been in the pc business for 17 years. So the question I have about this thread.. Is HOW do you know what to pay? (if your going to pay) I mean is there a sheet that the local yard has prices for? How do you how much profit you are going to make with the lot your going to get? I understand the veterans just know cause they been doing it awhile and like my business I know how much my parts go for if I have to fix one I don't have to look up prices. But on scrapping if you pay 4 dollar per desktop how do you know you will make that or more back? So is their guidelines I should start with starting out?
    Thanks for reading
    Yes, look at our buyers section and check out their price sheets, don't worry about your local yard, they will usually try to lowball you.
    We even have niche buyers for things you might not even think of.

    Scrap Buyers & Sellers - Scrap Metal Forum

    Here is a rough breakdown but remember the prices have changed. This is not counting what can be resold on Ebay, this is sold for recycling.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  15. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick View Post
    Now that it's on here, I certainly wouldn't go after it. It's likely gone already. If you notice, people usually don't give out any particulars about potential finds until AFTER they've got it. Considering there are several hundred lurkers on this site at any given time, there'll be at least one or two in the area you're talking about.

    Agreed on this.... since you were trying to show us a picture/ some text..... take a screen shot of the pic you want to show us and upload it on here/ copy text and then still including that you have to drive x(miles) to go get it (removing all links to wherever you found the item)... that way that it's still in your scope.... and hopefully not the 100000000000 other people that might see it on here

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