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Some of my ewaste finds (Pics included) - Page 12

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  1. #221
    eesakiwi is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I'm saving certain heatsinks and pielter devices to sell as one 'sale' to make these from.

    DIY Wood Stove Fan for under $50 - All

    They sit on top of a log burner and suck out heat from it and the pielter device generates electricity and runs the fan, which blows the hot air off the heatsinks.

    That's not a real great one. I'd go for a larger bottom heatsink, fins up, and a vertical downwards blowing CPU heatsink.
    The top heatsink has to be colder than the bottom one to generate power. (Pielter devise)

    Last edited by eesakiwi; 08-11-2016 at 02:24 AM.

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  3. #222
    HipoGear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    I'm saving certain heatsinks and pielter devices to sell as one 'sale' to make these from.

    DIY Wood Stove Fan for under $50 - All

    They sit on top of a log burner and suck out heat from it and the pielter device generates electricity and runs the fan, which blows the hot air off the heatsinks.

    That's not a real great one. I'd go for a larger bottom heatsink, fins up, and a vertical downwards blowing CPU heatsink.
    The top heatsink has to be colder than the bottom one to generate power. (Pielter devise)
    I like it. I think that using a brass or copper propeller would enhance the steampunk look.

    Where do you find peltier devices in scrap?

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  5. #223
    jimicrk started this thread.
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    I installed a phone system about 2 and a half years ago and the customer let me haul off the 2 boxes of old digital phones after I told him I scrap old electronics. He called me last week and asked if I would be interested in some computers. I sure would!
    I stopped by Friday and he had a pallet with about 30 pc's, a server and his old phone system I had removed over 2 years ago.
    The following pics are of a Vertical Wave digital phone system.

    The front of the system has 5 amp connectors for digital and analog stations and trunks. Mounts in a 19" rack.

    Power board


    The next 3 pics are of the digital and analog station and trunk cards.


    CPU with processor and dual hard drives removed

    Processor with memory and heat sink removed.

    Last edited by jimicrk; 08-27-2016 at 06:39 PM.

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  7. #224
    eesakiwi is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Ooooohhh, nice boards, those little relays, spesh in telecom epuipment, have nice little Gold contacts.
    I'm sure some are solid Gold too.

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  9. #225
    jimicrk started this thread.
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    Posting this for Alloy2 to take a gander at. My uncle gave it to me about a year ago.

    It has TUNGAR BULB CAT. 189048 stamped on the base.

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  11. #226
    eesakiwi is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Wow, US$85 on eBay.. NZ$117.... Nice find. It looks clean too so that should add value.
    Old Vintage GE General Electric Tungar 189048 Rectifier Bulb Tube NOS | eBay.

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  13. #227
    eesakiwi is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    They use Pelter's in electric chilly bins (Coolers in America?)
    Often the plastic casings broken, or broken hinges.
    I'm not really a fan of them, they use up too much power and flatten battery's and can only stop something from heating up a bit, like they won't cool or freeze anything, there might be good ones out there, but...

    Some water chiller units for home or office, They run on mains power and have a good power supply, if it still works, its probably worth more to sell like that as 'project parts' on eBay. People use them for weird things. Cooling chips in computers etc.
    If its power supply's not working, Pelter's have no real reason to stop working, the device will still be working. Easy to check though.

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  15. #228
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    There is a good pdf on google, a product information brochure put out by GE. Just about. Their Tungar bulbs.
    Last edited by bigburtchino; 08-30-2016 at 01:55 PM.

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  17. #229
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    My mother-in law got me the Ecofan version of this for my woodstove. I use it more for a thermostat - when the fan starts to spin I know that the stove is getting good and hot. I does
    not move too much air around though. I gave a friend of mine a few of those heat sinks to build the fans but I have not seen them yet. Maybe this fall he'll finish them.

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  19. #230
    jimicrk started this thread.
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    Not my usual ewaste but I couldn't pass it up. Thank goodness the tread had peeled off after what I assume was a blowout from a truck. I had a hard enough time loading the aluminum wheel and the remains of the tire. I cut the bead with a big pair of bolt cutters which freed the wheel. I'm not sure what it actually came off of but it's 23" in diameter and 15" wide.

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  21. #231
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    Jimi: $ is $..
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

  22. #232
    jimicrk started this thread.
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    Friday night and yesterday morning were "clean out the garage days."

    My wife and daughter was out there helping to break down the rest of the scrap which was great because I needed the help.

    I got up yesterday and hauled off a load of pc, phone and battery backup cases plus the aluminum wheel in the pic above.

    1100 pounds of shred plus the wheel for a grand total of 58 dollars. I'm guessing I have about 200 pounds of good circuit boards from all of that.

    I'm getting quite a few boards from digital phones that I need to check into. My local buyers only want to pay low grade for them but I'm going to check around.

    Here are a few pics of what I'm talking about.

    Most are not populated but a few might have a small IC chip on them. They are usually found under the keypad or other buttons on a phone and are gold plated.

    A lot of the cards have small LED's on them also.

    Last edited by jimicrk; 10-11-2016 at 01:44 AM.

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  24. #233
    jimicrk started this thread.
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    I picked up an INTER-TEL AXXESS phone system last week and wanted to show everyone what's inside them in case you run across one.

    This system was equipped for 128 digital stations, 16 analog stations and 72 trunk ports.

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  26. #234
    jimicrk started this thread.
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    Here's a digital phone that came with the system above.

    Inter-Tel 550.4500 Digital Phone.

    These phones are easy to take apart even though each has 24 screws.
    You get 1 good board and 3 more with gold plated contacts.

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  28. #235
    jimicrk started this thread.
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    This is the voicemail from the Inter-Tel Axxess phone system above. It is an Inter-Tel Axxess Axxessory Talk OS2 Voicemail.
    These are older voicemail systems from the mid 90's I believe. Large socket motherboard, 6.4 gig hard drive, full size cd-rom board and 4 gold finger boards.

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  30. #236
    kane333 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Upcoming Auction - Nortel PBX System

    This is an upcoming auction near me. Looks like some goodies in this batch. 2 different lots. 5 hours left on the auction and both lots are at $1. I'm sure that will increase in the last hour although I doubt it goes very high.

    Lot 1:

    Nortel PBX Digital Telecommunications System
    Model # Option 11C
    Main Chassis Option 11 Mini Part# NTDK91BB
    1st Expansion Chassis Part# NTDK92BB
    48 Port Digital Line Card NTDK16BA
    Teltronics Netpath Modem MDR2000e
    Universal Trunk Card NT8D14BB
    Analog Message Waiting Line Card NT8D09CA
    SSC Card NTDK20JA
    MC-32 Card NTVQ01BB
    Signalling Server NTDU27AB Rls. 02

    System operational when removed.
    License dongle not included.
    NOT deprogrammed.

    Includes 17 Nortel Phones:
    Model 3903 (14) and 3904 (3).
    Operational; some displays faded.

  31. #237
    jimicrk started this thread.
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    NEC Elite 48 phone system.

    Each KSU has 2 lead acid batteries and a combination back plane/CPU board.

    Going clockwise the brown board is from the power supply followed by a trunk card, a paging card, a digital station card and a voice mail card.
    Transformers will be removed for better pricing.

    DTU-16D-2 digital phone for this system.

    Circuit boards from phones.

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  33. #238
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    I know I have sold a couple of the hard drives like you have in the "Voice Mail card". Not a lot of money but I test them and wipe them and list them. Thank you for sharing with photos. 73, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  34. #239
    jimicrk started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    I know I have sold a couple of the hard drives like you have in the "Voice Mail card". Not a lot of money but I test them and wipe them and list them. Thank you for sharing with photos. 73, Mike
    Thanks Mike.
    I have about 8 of those VM cards with the solid state drives that I keep to sell or trade. The ones with the hard drives are scrapped. They've been out in the field for 16 to 18 years and most are on their last leg.
    As far as the photos, I like to post pictures of the phone systems and data equipment I scrap. I have referenced this post several times while out in the field looking at boxes of phones to determine if I wanted them or not.
    Some of these phones have only low grade boards and are not worth the trouble.

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  36. #240
    kane333 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    Ooooohhh, nice boards, those little relays, spesh in telecom epuipment, have nice little Gold contacts.
    I'm sure some are solid Gold too.
    Thanks for that information. I never knew those little board mounted relays actually had gold in them. Couple years back, I scrapped 100's of those style boards. The local yard only gave me low grade prices for those type boards and I fell for it, thinking the only goodies on any boards were Tantalum Caps, IC Chips, MLCC's, or Gold Pins. I'll certainly be on the lookout for them from now on.

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