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Nice score today of resellable gear.

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  1. #1
    parrothead started this thread.
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    Nice score today of resellable gear.

    I start the day as usual having some coffee while I check in on the computer for any leads and try to plan my day out.

    Today there was a post on facebook from a local computer geek club I belong to. One of the guys was at a local pawn shop and noticed they had a bunch of pretty nice desk tops ranging from $25 to $50. They all had 2 hard drives. Each drive was 250 minimum. There was also killer RAM in them. Gskill 2gb x 2. A couple of units had fancy light up cases.

    I went there and checked them out. There were a mess of computers. Some insanely priced, and a bunch in that one group.

    The reason for the price was as follows. They were all marked "has windows, needs password".

    After going through them, there were 5 of them priced at $25 and had 2 hard drives, 2 to 4 gig of RAM, 400 or higher watt power supply and a few other goodies. I bought those 5 towers.

    I plugged the first one in and turned it on. It had 2 500 gig hard drives. One was hooked up, the other not. I removed the one not hooked up and it tested well. When I powered up the unit, a screen came up and gave me 2 options for the computer. Windows XP or Windows server 8. I chose server 8 and was pleasantly surprised that there was a user name under the name of the pawn shop. SCORE! No password and I am in. This unit works great and I have some access into it to check it out.

    I fire up the second unit. This one as 2 - 250gb hard drives. It too has 2 options for booting. Office 2007 A +, or Office 2010 Dream Weaver. When I select one, it goes to a windows 7 window for the password. No pawn shop option on this one. I try to get in and of course can not. I am left with the old password not accepted message, but also left with the following.

    "password hint PW"

    So I try all kinds of variations of password, PassWord, PW, pw, you get the picture and no luck.

    Many other things to do, so had to give it up for the night. All of these computers came from the same owner (a guy that had a computer training center), so I will keep working on that password.

    Oh, I forgot to mention, all of these units came with an 18.5 in wide screen/flat screen monitor.

    If I can't crack the password to open these up, I am thinking of just installing Ubuntu on them and selling on Craig's List. The cases are very nice and everything works in them with high grade components.

    They should attract some geeks.

    Worst case scenario is I sell off the parts for double my investment. I'll sleep on it.
    "64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981

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  3. #2
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Google Ophcrack.

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  5. #3
    spinroch's Avatar
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    I use Offline NT Password & Registry Editor all the time
    It lets you remove the password completely
    You create a bootable cd & use that to wipe out the password
    The instructions are on the link below:
    Offline Windows Password & Registry Editor
    F1 Recycles

    Electronic/Electrical/Mechanical Recycling

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  7. #4
    parrothead started this thread.
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    It works! Yay! Tanks for the info. I got one unlocked and all up and running. It has 2 hard drives and it seems that they are entertwined. They both need to be hooked up in order to operate. Anyhoo. I got rid of the passwords and it can be started with either office 2007 or office 2010. It did not take long for the computer to tell me that it was not an authorized version of windows.

    Time to learn to install Ubuntu. This will be easier to test everything. I can pull one hard drive for resale, keep one in the system to get running and ensure that everything else works, then decide whether or not to part out or sell whole.

  8. #5
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    If it has a COA you can register the tower under the version of windows on the COA. Of course you will need to have the correct version of windows installed. Really its not that difficult once you have done it a couple of times. Sorry if you already knew this info. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  9. #6
    parrothead started this thread.
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    These units do not have any COAs. That would have been nice.

  10. #7
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    nice score I love pawnshops even 1 of my local ones gives me the crap stuff that goes bad or does not sell and some of the better stuff that has not sold fast I pay a lot lower price for

  11. #8
    parrothead started this thread.
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    Update. Been busy with lots of things today.

    Ubuntu is pretty nice. Very easy to install. I got it installed on that computer.

    I got to the next 2 computers and they had problems. It did not take me more than a few moments to decide to part them out at a profit and waste no more time.

    Onto the 4th. It took me only a couple of minutes this time to get rid of the password. Thanks again for the info on that. Better news with this one. It has a legal version of everything in it. XP, office 2007, windows virtual server and server 05.

    I have been putting it through all of the updates from Microsoft online. I just wish it as a newer version of windows on it.

    One last one tomorrow.

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