Look for higher end electronics if they won't let you buy the computers. Some stereo's can be nice. If they aren't opening them, you'll find low grade boards, usually a nice chunk of alum, an other assorted goodies. Same with stereo receivers. Some are very nice on the inside, gold plated inputs, etc. Medical equipment..all kind of electronics you could pull out an do well on at that price. Lest I think so.
Best bet would be to go, an analyze the piles. Heh. Look an look till you find something, an go from there. Or search here on various electronics, as a lot of us have posted break downs of things. That will help you determine if it's worth it or not for you. Sat/cable boxes, modems, routers, just off the top of my head.
Somethings you might be able to fix, or sell as parts. Others if you do a full break down an strip everything of value could see you profit to. An remember, you get to sell back to them all the shred, Copper, CBM's, Alum, etc. Or if you know a yard with better pricing...take that stuff to them.
Just my thoughts though. Take a gamble the first time, set a price limit, go in there an pluck away. If it works, great. If not, you know to move on. Couple of folks on here talk about buying from their yards, from cords, to dishwasher racks, etc. Sure there is more.
If your willing to use
eBay, or other auction sites, or even CL, you could offer items for parts,etc.
Not everything that glitters an makes profit is in a computer.

Sometimes you just gotta take a risk, bet on a number, an roll the dice.
Others smarter then me or with experience with buying from yards, will chime in I'm sure.
Sirscrapalot - To buy or not to buy, that is the question. - Not Shakespeare.