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Todays Haul Biggest Yet!!!!

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    Mvpvlad is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Todays Haul Biggest Yet!!!!

    I get all of my electronics for free from the local dump. Todays haul was the biggest yet! It yielded 5 towers 1 dvd player lots of various wire 5 keyboards some typpe of ethernet radio which is full of aluminum and brass. sadly one tower had a red motherboard. however the only reason i grab dvd players is on the off chance they left a dvd in the player and sure enough i got myself a free copy of Firehouse Dog!! also 3 remotes and various small metals

  2. #2
    mudlight2 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    cool beans buddy. Wish I would see your pics though.

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  4. #3
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Ha ha! Awesome score buddy!

    Keep it going!

    Sirscrapalot - Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. - Albert Einstein

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    mudlight2 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I wonder why I cannot see his pictures?

  7. #5
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    There's photos? He must of used invisible film.

    Sirscrapalot - I predict this year there will be a shortage of hollow Chocolate Easter Bunnies in CO, and WA. Easter = 4-20 this year.

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  9. #6
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    fun times and money we do not have a dump anymore since we process all our garbage but in another county there is a big landfill I wish I could trash drive I would never have to worry about money till they filled it in again lol but there is very very strict rules they have for this just in order to remain open so all it goes to waste. even tried setting things up with the city but they do not budge so I am glad you can save stuff from yours and take some of that back from the system

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  11. #7
    Mmarro89 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    The best is that you made an arrangement to get it free. This is key as a scrapper. The competition for scrap is tough now that more people know the value of it but still plenty of opportunities such as this still out there. Kudos buddy and keep up the good work

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  13. #8
    Mvpvlad is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    the way our dump works is there is a spot where you throw all the misc. garbage then it gets carted off to a landfill during the week. the dumps only open on saturdays. they have other bins and what not for plastics metals and a large green walk in container for electronics. i always start by going to the misc. garbage to look for stuff but the guy that works there knows me and lets me take whatever from the misc. and electronics because the people pay to dump it there and beforei could get there he yelled to me saying that i might want to check the electronics and low and behold. ill try again with the pics below. if they dont work try copying and pasteing these urls
    006.jpg Photo by mvpvlad | Photobucket
    007.jpg Photo by mvpvlad | Photobucket
    008.jpg Photo by mvpvlad | Photobucket
    009.jpg Photo by mvpvlad | Photobucket

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  15. #9
    Mvpvlad is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    also one of the keyboards is an IBM model M2 (1984) however sadly somebody cut the cord i am still going to keep it though. another is an old Belkin but not worth much also with the cord cut

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  17. #10
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Nice haul Vlad, an the pics come up just fine now. You could try opening the keyboard, an replacing the cord. They are really easy if you never broke one down, or so it appears when I remove the cords off mine, hard part is all the **** screws. lol.

    An I have to ask...did you use the skate board like a dolly?

    Sirscrapalot - Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift. - Albert Einstein

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  19. #11
    Mvpvlad is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Nice haul Vlad, an the pics come up just fine now. You could try opening the keyboard, an replacing the cord. They are really easy if you never broke one down, or so it appears when I remove the cords off mine, hard part is all the **** screws. lol.

    An I have to ask...did you use the skate board like a dolly?
    1. there actually aren't as many screws on that model keyboard if you look on the back there are only two or three and they are square bits not philips like the usual keyboards so i will have to do that next time i find a keyboard with the cord. that's a great idea thank you!!
    2. haha no i didn't use it as a dolly i manually carry everything through the door and stacked them on it well they were stacked and then fell when i went to unload more stuff and i said screw it i didn't feel like picking them back up

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