so im starting one of these like a lot of you have. well today i had an awesome day no towers just random electronics. first at the dump i got 2 speakers 1 radio 3 or 4 receivers 1 keyboard some small heating element a keyboard and a random metal piece to a treadmill and a handfull of cord ends also a bag full of random old boards. Next i got a call from a local flower supplier that mainly sells flower supplies and not the actual flowers this filled the car (my dad drives a Honda CRV not a truck like you guys do). 2 smaller of those fluorescent ceiling lights then two larger ones that are really nice. tip if you ever get the chance to pick them up DO IT!!! the smaller ones had nice wire in them.2 cash registers the newer 90s era plastic ones a tv and VCR a nice tape deck an energizer im guessing heating pad and lastly not really sure what it is but the thing has a huge transformer in it and altogether it weighs like 30lbs. all in all a great haul and the owner of the business said he has more lighting stuff in the basement that he will give me a call once he looks at it. ps in the pictures ignore the skil table saw in the box that was not picked up.
IMG_00751.jpg Photo by mvpvlad | Photobucket
IMG_00741.jpg Photo by mvpvlad | Photobucket
IMG_00761.jpg Photo by mvpvlad | Photobucket