Where I am located the yard doesn't have buyers or prices even for things like daughter boards, HDD boards or boarded processors. With the daughter boards they only want to pay .08/lb. I clip the fingers off of the boards before they go to the yard currently but I am looking into other options. They won't even buy the HDD boards from me. "No buyer" Is what they tell me. Pretty stupid if you ask me. I have almost 20 lbs of them and no where locally to sell them. I have my reservations about sending them to cash for gold and places like that, they've screwed me before. I sent off a small pile of scrap previously to a company, got hassled by customs for not valuing my "garbage" as they put it when it hit the border, and never saw a penny from the company. They told me that they had a minimum you could ship, even though to get the free shipping labels I had to enter weights and types in their forms. After 2 weeks of waiting and hearing nothing from them I started pestering and basically got told that what I had shipped to them didn't contain enough precious metals to even cover the cost of shipping and processing and very politely that I could go **** myself. Anyone else had a problem like this and what was your solution?